Employee Directory

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  Name E-mail Phone Office Job Title Department
Allen, Andie Allen, Andie AAllen@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate II, PT Dining Services
Asquith, Andrew Asquith, Andrew AAsquith@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1693 PF 111C Coach, Student Success Enrollment Services
Blackmon, Amanda Blackmon, Amanda ABlackmon@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Health Sciences, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Brasile, Andrew Brasile, Andrew ABrasile@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4252 ACC 117 Instructor, Mathematics Academic Affairs, Laramie
Braunschweig, Amber Braunschweig, Amber ABraunschweig@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1386 SC 113D Program Director, Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Buchanan, Abigail Buchanan, Abigail ABuchanan02@lccc.wy.edu Instructional Assistant/Tutor, Laramie Campus Academic Affairs, Laramie
Buckles, Ann Buckles, Ann ABuckles@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Microbiology Arts And Sciences
Burge, Angela Burge, Angela ABurge@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1333 HS 121 Instructor/Clinical Coordinator, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Burron, Alice Burron, Alice ABurron@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Carey, Aylin Carey, Aylin ACarey@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4265 ACC 118 Instructor, Math/Coordinator, UW Dev Math Academic Affairs, Laramie
Connally, Abbie Connally, Abbie AConnally@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1280 AM 108 Director, Contracting & Procurement Contracting And Procurement
Corbin, Andy Corbin, Andy ACorbin@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1398 EEC 108 Chief Information Officer Integrated Technology Services
Edee, Alycia Edee, Alycia AEdee@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Foster, Alison Foster, Alison AFoster@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Education, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Garhart, Ashley Garhart, Ashley AGarhart@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1119 CR 107 Coordinator, Student Engagement Student Life
Gunn, Amy Gunn, Amy AGunn@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Hopper, Ami Hopper, Ami AHopper@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Community Education, Laramie OWD, Laramie Campus
Howard, Ann Howard, Ann AHoward1@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1686 HS 231 Program Director, Health Information Technology Management Health Sciences And Wellness
Ivanoff, Ariel Ivanoff, Ariel AIvanoff@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1282 FA 100 Assistant, Executive Administrative I, Foundation Foundation
Johnson, Amber Johnson, Amber AJohnson1@lccc.wy.edu Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Kassel, Amy Kassel, Amy AKassel@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics Arts And Sciences
Mordhorst, Auri Mordhorst, Auri AMordhorst@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4355 CR 101D Specialist, HR Recruitment & Hiring Human Resources
Mrozinsky, Andrew Mrozinsky, Andrew AMrozins@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Newell, Amanda Newell, Amanda ANewell@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1648 AM 107 Specialist, Contracting & Procurement Contracting And Procurement
Oberholtzer, Arika Oberholtzer, Arika AOberhol@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Health Sciences & Wellness Health Sciences And Wellness
Ramsey, Amanda Ramsey, Amanda ARamsey@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1302 PF 205 Assistant, Executive Administrative I, Student Services Student Services
Soden, Alexander Soden, Alexander ASoden@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1334 FA 108 Coordinator, Surbrugg-Prentice Auditorium, PT Arts And Sciences
Temte, Alexa Temte, Alexa ATemte@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1102 AM 143 Assistant, Executive Administrative III, Administration Presidents Office
Thurin, Ashley Thurin, Ashley AThurin@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Pine Bluffs Outreach And Workforce Dev
Parker Williams, Amy Parker Williams, Amy AWilliams@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Biology, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Ramirez Alvarado, Brenda Ramirez Alvarado, Brenda BAlvarado@lccc.wy.edu Staff, Financial Aid PT Financial Aid
Brengman, Brianna Brengman, Brianna BBrengman@lccc.wy.edu 80072 Health Sciences And Wellness
Payne Cervera, Brandi Payne Cervera, Brandi BCervera@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1218 PF 204E Director, Financial Aid Financial Aid
Davis, Braeden Davis, Braeden BDavis1@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1142 AM 113 Coordinator, Client Experience, The Business Studio Outreach And Workforce Dev
Garton, Bre Garton, Bre BGarton@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1610 PF 111B Coach, Student Success Enrollment Services
Herdt, Ben Herdt, Ben BHerdt@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1117 PF 111V Director, Enrollment Services Enrollment Services
Hunnel, Beth Hunnel, Beth BHunnel@lccc.wy.edu Staff, Children's Discovery Center, PT Children's Discovery Center
Lehan, Ben Lehan, Ben BLehan@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1191 AG 109 Instructor, Agriculture & Activity Coach Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Lowry, Brenna Lowry, Brenna BLowry@lccc.wy.edu Interpreter, Student Accommodations Student Life
Manavi Tehrani, Ben Manavi Tehrani, Ben BManavi@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Pierson, Brady Pierson, Brady BPierson@lccc.wy.edu PF 117 Safety Officer Campus Safety
Jacobs, Bethany Jacobs, Bethany BSmith1@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1316 FA 127 Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Trujillo, Brooke Trujillo, Brooke BTrujillo@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Psychology Arts And Sciences
Weibel, Brook Weibel, Brook BWeibel@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Teacher Children's Discovery Center
White, Bridgette White, Bridgette BWhite@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Business, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Wilson, Bridget Wilson, Bridget BWilson1@lccc.wy.edu Proctor, Testing Center Library And Learning Commons
Zerger, Bret Zerger, Bret BZerger@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1261 PF 207 Counselor, Counseling & Campus Wellness Student Life
Paintner, Blake Paintner, Blake Bpaintner@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4344 PF 111O Manager, Senior Student Success Enrollment Services
Alejos, Carla Alejos, Carla CAlejos@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics Arts And Sciences
Allen, Chris Allen, Chris CAllen@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1171 CT 124B Coordinator, Concept Forge Outreach And Workforce Dev
Becker, Carl Becker, Carl CBecker@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Bender, Carolyn Bender, Carolyn CBender@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Bostad, Connie Bostad, Connie CBostad@lccc.wy.edu Proctor, Laramie Campus OWD, Laramie Campus
Boughton, Carole Boughton, Carole CBoughto@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4399 BT 125 Pathway Coordinator, Business & Accounting Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Brinker, Carman Brinker, Carman CBrinker@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4318 LIB 116 Adjunct Instructor, Ludden Library Library And Learning Commons
Brunner, Celia Brunner, Celia CBrunner@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1902 CCC 151 Cook, Prep Dining Services
Burggraaf, Caleb Burggraaf, Caleb CBurggraaf@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1332 PF 220 Manager, Sports Information Athletics And Campus Recreation
Dana, Christy Dana, Christy CDana@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1635 SC 133 Coordinator/Instructor, First Year Clinic, Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Dimoff, Chaley Dimoff, Chaley CDimoff@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Communication Arts And Sciences
Favazzo, Cady Favazzo, Cady CFavazzo@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, English, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Felton, Chelsea Felton, Chelsea CFelton@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1665 PF 112 Coordinator, GEAR UP Event & College Enrollment Services
Gray, Corinne Gray, Corinne CGray@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4395 SC 121A Instructor, Engineering/Physics Arts And Sciences
Hair, Chris Hair, Chris CHair@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1348 PF 225 Instructor, Geoscience Arts And Sciences
de Diego Jaunasse, Cloe de Diego Jaunasse, Cloe CJaunasse@lccc.wy.edu Proctor, Laramie Campus OWD, Laramie Campus
Lashley, Christine Lashley, Christine CLashley@lccc.wy.edu Tutor, Learning Commons Library And Learning Commons
McAfee, Cris McAfee, Cris CMcAfee@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1335 HS 144 Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Meigs, Chelsea Meigs, Chelsea CMeigs@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Business Training, Laramie OWD, Laramie Campus
O'Hara, CR O'Hara, CR COHara@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1195 AG 218 Manager, Ag & Equine Facilities Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Opp, Christopher Opp, Christopher COpp@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Information Management Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Owen, Cher Owen, Cher COwen@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4370 PF 111R Coach, Student Success Enrollment Services
Parsons, Christopher Parsons, Christopher CParsons1@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4289 Adjunct Instructor, ABE (Odd), Laramie OWD, Laramie Campus
Rice, Chris Rice, Chris CRice@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment, Laramie Campus OWD, Laramie Campus
Roberts, Courtney Roberts, Courtney CRoberts@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4332 FA 102C Senior Graphic Designer Marketing And Communications
Thompson, Christi Thompson, Christi CThompson@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, History, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
White, Carissa White, Carissa CWhite1@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1203 AM 149 Specialist, Student Accounts Receivable Accounting
Adams, Dillan Adams, Dillan DAdams1@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Adams, Danielle Adams, Danielle DAdams@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1250 BT 122 Instructor, Accounting/Business Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Conover, Dustin Conover, Dustin DConover@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Spanish Arts And Sciences
Cooper, Dallin Cooper, Dallin DCooper@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Business Business, Agriculture, And Tech
DeBoer, Dusty DeBoer, Dusty DDeboer@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Political Science Arts And Sciences
Dunneback, Devan Dunneback, Devan DDunneback@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Information Management Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Finnerty, Dean Finnerty, Dean DFinnert@lccc.wy.edu AG 111 Head Coach, Rodeo Athletics And Campus Recreation
Gable, Dawn Gable, Dawn DGable@lccc.wy.edu CCC 151 Dining Services Associate II, PT Dining Services
Gillgannon, Daniel Gillgannon, Daniel DGillgannon@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Giordano, Darla Giordano, Darla DGiordano@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Teacher, Substitute Children's Discovery Center
Harris, David Harris, David DHarris1@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Khasilova, Dilnoza Khasilova, Dilnoza DKhasilova@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4289 Adjunct Instructor, ABE (Odd), Laramie OWD, Laramie Campus
McIntosh, Dan McIntosh, Dan DMcIntosh@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1631 BT 219 Pathway Coordinator, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Murray, Destiny Murray, Destiny DMurray@lccc.wy.edu CCC 151 Dining Services Associate III, PT Dining Services
Opp, Danielle Opp, Danielle DOpp@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1363 HS 224 Program Director, Health Sciences Health Sciences And Wellness
Parker, Darian Parker, Darian DParker@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Zoology Arts And Sciences
Rainey, Deana Rainey, Deana DRainey@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Rinaldo, Danielle Rinaldo, Danielle DRinaldo@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1305 RAC 117A Head Coach, Women's Basketball Athletics And Campus Recreation
Smith, David Smith, David DSmith@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Plumbing Outreach And Workforce Dev
Sofias, Dimitri Sofias, Dimitri DSofias@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1643 RAC 221 Assistant Coach, Men's Soccer Athletics And Campus Recreation
Arsznov, Eric Arsznov, Eric EArsznov@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Engineering/Physics Arts And Sciences
Collar, Elizabeth Collar, Elizabeth ECollar@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Connell, Emma Connell, Emma EConnell@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Multimedia Arts And Sciences
Farley, Erica Farley, Erica EFarley@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Zoology Arts And Sciences
Hawk, Elise Hawk, Elise EHawk@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Holder, Elizabeth Holder, Elizabeth EHolder@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4289 Adjunct Instructor, ABE (Odd), Laramie OWD, Laramie Campus
Kubicz, Ella Kubicz, Ella EKubicz@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Chemistry Arts And Sciences
Nitschke, Erin Nitschke, Erin ENitschk@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1132 SC 105 Program Director, Sciences Arts And Sciences
Robinson, Elmer Robinson, Elmer ERobinson@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Cybersecurity Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Sartain, Elijah Sartain, Elijah ESartain@lccc.wy.edu Assistant, Vehicle Maintenance PT Plant Operations
Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Elizabeth ESmith@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Terrill, Erika Terrill, Erika ETerrill@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1646 PF 114 Coordinator, GEAR UP Enrollment Services
Vallejo, Eliza Vallejo, Eliza EVallejo@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Clinical Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Young, Emily Young, Emily EYoung@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4260 Coach, Student Success Student Services, Laramie
Cook, Frank Cook, Frank FCook@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1306 FA 128 Instructor, Instrumental Music Arts And Sciences
Gutierrez, Florenda Gutierrez, Florenda FGutierrez@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1318 CCC 151 Manager, Catering Dining Services
Perez, Fernando Perez, Fernando FPerez@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4377 RAC 217 Head Coach, Men's Soccer Athletics And Campus Recreation
Jankowski, George Jankowski, George GJankowski@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1265 PF 111B Specialist, Student Services Enrollment Services
Keiter, Gracie Keiter, Gracie GKeiter@lccc.wy.edu PF 111M Coach, Student Success Enrollment Services
Martin, Gavin Martin, Gavin GMartin@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1266 SC 130 Instructor, Biology Arts And Sciences
Smith, Gracie Smith, Gracie GSmith1@lccc.wy.edu Staff, Children's Discovery Center, PT Children's Discovery Center
Butterfield, Hannah Butterfield, Hannah HButterfield@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1127 FA 102A Specialist, Marketing (Design) Marketing And Communications
Jayasinghe, Hashintha Jayasinghe, Hashintha HJayasinghe@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Rawlings, Haley Rawlings, Haley HRawlings@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Psychology Arts And Sciences
Hughes, Isaac Hughes, Isaac IHughes@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Developmental Math, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
De la Torre, Isaiah De la Torre, Isaiah ITorre@lccc.wy.edu Instructional Assistant/Tutor, Laramie Campus Academic Affairs, Laramie
Ackerman, Jennifer Ackerman, Jennifer JAckerman@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Health Sciences & Wellness Health Sciences And Wellness
Himes-Baumgartner, Jenny Himes-Baumgartner, Jenny JBaumgar@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1267 OFFC Remote Instructor/Course Coordinator, Practical Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Blair, Jesse Blair, Jesse JBlair@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4317 PF 205C Director, Risk Management & Campus Safety Administration And Finance
Clark, Jason Clark, Jason JClark@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4289 ACC 125 Adjunct Instructor, Adult Basic Education, Laramie OWD, Laramie Campus
Espinoza, Jazzmine Espinoza, Jazzmine JEspinoza@lccc.wy.edu PF 226 Assistant Coach, Volleyball Athletics And Campus Recreation
Essex, Justine Essex, Justine JEssex@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1239 PF 115 Manager, GEAR UP Enrollment Services
Evans, James Evans, James JEvans1@lccc.wy.edu Tutor, Learning Commons Library And Learning Commons
Evans, Jason Evans, Jason JEvans@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Ewing, Jen Ewing, Jen JEwing@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1161 PF 226 Program Director, Human Behaviors Arts And Sciences
Felton, Janice Felton, Janice JFelton@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Fritz, John Fritz, John JFritz@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Funk, Joel Funk, Joel JFunk@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1376 FA 102B Specialist, Marketing (Design) Marketing And Communications
Greene, James Greene, James JGreene@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Political Science Arts And Sciences
Gricar, Joe Gricar, Joe JGricar@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1328 PF 111AC Coach, Student Success Enrollment Services
Groendal, Jenna Groendal, Jenna JGroendal@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4313 LIB 137B Director, Learning Commons Library And Learning Commons
Hamilton, jason Hamilton, jason JHamilton@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1257 PO 132 Specialist, Grounds II Plant Operations
Haskell, JT Haskell, JT JHaskell@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4391 BT 221 Instructor, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Hedrick, Jennie Hedrick, Jennie JHedrick@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4254 ACC 101B Manager, Student Services, Laramie Campus Student Services, Laramie
Hooke, Jenn Hooke, Jenn JHooke@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1249 OFFC Remote Specialist, HR Information Systems Human Resources
Jacobsen, Justine Jacobsen, Justine JJacobsen@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Johnson, Jim Johnson, Jim JJohnson1@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Sociology/Anthropology, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Joiner, Justin Joiner, Justin JJoiner@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4390 FA 102D Director, Marketing & Communications Marketing And Communications
Kershaw, John Kershaw, John JKershaw@lccc.wy.edu Head Coach, Esports, PT Athletics And Campus Recreation
Markus, Jennifer Markus, Jennifer JMarkus@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1204 LIB 120 Librarian Library And Learning Commons
McGuire, Jo McGuire, Jo JMcguire@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1244 BT 123 Instructor, Economics/Finance Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Michaud, Jenny Michaud, Jenny JMichaud@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, EMT Health Sciences And Wellness
Miller, Jillian Miller, Jillian JMiller@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Northrip, Jennifer Northrip, Jennifer JNorthrip@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Osterloh, Joni Osterloh, Joni JOsterloh@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Clinical Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Overstreet, James Overstreet, James JOverstreet@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Querry, Jennifer Querry, Jennifer JQuerry@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1390 HS 128 Instructor, Practical Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Russell, Judy Russell, Judy JRussell1@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Assistant Director, Children's Discovery Center Children's Discovery Center
Ryan, Josh Ryan, Josh JRyan1@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1271 CT 200 Instructor, Electrical/Industrial Maintenance Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Schwabe, Jake Schwabe, Jake JSchwabe@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1613 CT 202A Instructor/Examiner, Commercial Driver License Outreach And Workforce Dev
Simon, Jade Simon, Jade JSimon@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4268 LAR 119 Instructor, Biology/Geology Academic Affairs, Laramie
Simpson, Janelle Simpson, Janelle JSimpson@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Sociology/Anthropology Arts And Sciences
Stringer, Jill Stringer, Jill JStringer@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1313 ARP 150 Instructor, Mathematics Arts And Sciences
Taufa, Jennifer Taufa, Jennifer JTaufa@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Taylor, Jacob Taylor, Jacob JTaylor@lccc.wy.edu Instructional Assistant/Tutor, Laramie Campus Academic Affairs, Laramie
Zuver, John Zuver, John JZuver@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Plumbing Outreach And Workforce Dev
Bassett, Kristi Bassett, Kristi KBassett@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1101 BT 117 Instructor, Accounting Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Kim, Booyong Kim, Booyong KBooyong@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Carter, Kathleen Carter, Kathleen KCarter@lccc.wy.edu Office Assistant, Part-Time Plant Operations
Hansen, Kacee Hansen, Kacee KHansen@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1391 SC 119A Instructor/Clinical Coordinator, Radiography Health Sciences And Wellness
Hayes, Kate Hayes, Kate KHayes@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Hughes, Kalyn Hughes, Kalyn KHughes@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4246 ACC 101 Specialist, Student Services Student Services, Laramie
Jobes, Kyle Jobes, Kyle KJobes@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Plumbing Outreach And Workforce Dev
Kilmurray, Kaycie Kilmurray, Kaycie KKilmurray@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1216 PF 111S Manager, Student Success Enrollment Services
Malatesta, Kevin Malatesta, Kevin KMalates@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Masters, Kathryn Masters, Kathryn KMasters@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1274 PF 119A Lead Proctor, Testing Center Library And Learning Commons
Myers, Koreen Myers, Koreen KMyers@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1622 CR 101G Specialist, Employee Relations and Development Human Resources
Andresen, Karen Andresen, Karen KOHara@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1156 PF 204.5 Specialist, Financial Aid I Financial Aid
Quinn, Krystle Quinn, Krystle KQuinn@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Simons, Kelly Simons, Kelly KSimons@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Information Management Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Thompson, Kylee Thompson, Kylee KThompson1@lccc.wy.edu Lead Proctor, Testing Center Library And Learning Commons
Thurman, K.D. Thurman, K.D. KThurman@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1660 PF 111P Manager, Student Success Enrollment Services
Vest, Kat Vest, Kat KVest@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4320 CCC 151 Chef, Sous Dining Services
Workie, Krubiel Workie, Krubiel KWorkie@lccc.wy.edu Assistant Coach, Men's Basketball Athletics And Campus Recreation
Anderson, Lisa Anderson, Lisa LAnderson@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4385 PF 207C Specialist, Office of Student Accomodations Student Life
Arnold, Lori Arnold, Lori LArnold@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1607 HS 324 Program Director, Respiratory Therapy Health Sciences And Wellness
Britton, Lori Britton, Lori LBritton@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4304 PF 210F Instructor, Zoology/Biology Arts And Sciences
Butterfield, Laura Butterfield, Laura LButterfield@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Social Work Arts And Sciences
Grimes, Lisa Grimes, Lisa LGrimes@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Clinical Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Hill, Lane Hill, Lane LHill@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Criminal Justice Arts And Sciences
McAlmond, Laramie McAlmond, Laramie LMcAlmond@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Morris, Lindsey Morris, Lindsey LMorris@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Mosshammer, Laurie Mosshammer, Laurie LMosshammer@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Patridge, Laura Patridge, Laura LPatridg@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1308 FA 102F Specialist, Web Content Marketing And Communications
Peck, Landon Peck, Landon LPeck@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Uncapher, Liam Uncapher, Liam LUncapher@lccc.wy.edu Library Assistant, Laramie Campus Academic Affairs, Laramie
Weber, Leland Weber, Leland LWeber@lccc.wy.edu Library Assistant, Laramie Campus Academic Affairs, Laramie
Whiteman, Scott Whiteman, Scott LWhiteman@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Cybersecurity Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Will, Lisa Will, Lisa LWill@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Williams, Lisa Williams, Lisa LWilliams@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Adkins, Melissa Adkins, Melissa MAdkins@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1183 ARP 112 Instructor, Mathematics Arts And Sciences
Albers, Margaret Albers, Margaret MAlbers@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1261 PF 207I Adjunct Instructor, Psychology Arts And Sciences
Augustin, Mark Augustin, Mark MAugustin@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4259 ACC 103A Safety Officer Operations And Support, Laramie
Bernard, Mary Bernard, Mary MBernard@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Candelaria, Megan Candelaria, Megan MCandelaria@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4278 ACC 213 Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Cornog, B Cornog, B MCornog@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, English, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Crepeau, Madison Crepeau, Madison MCrepeau@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Communication Arts And Sciences
Day, Michael Day, Michael MDay@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4289 Adjunct Instructor, ABE (Odd), Laramie OWD, Laramie Campus
Dishman, Melissa Dishman, Melissa MDishman@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1259 CR 101F Specialist, HR Benefits Human Resources
Fox, Minden Fox, Minden MFox@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1279 BT 118 Instructor, Marketing/Business Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Grilliot, Marie Grilliot, Marie MGrilliot@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1211 FA 102E Assistant Director, Marketing & Communications Marketing And Communications
Hudson, Monica Hudson, Monica MHudson@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1152 BT 104 Assistant, Administrative III, Business, Ag, & Tech Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Koenig, Morgan Koenig, Morgan MKoenig@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1159 EEC 219 Assistant, Executive Administrative I, Academic Affairs Academic Affairs
Lange, Michael Lange, Michael MLange@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1120 FA 106 Program Director, Fine & Performing Arts Arts And Sciences
Loveland, Michael Loveland, Michael MLoveland@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Engineering/Physics Arts And Sciences
Malatesta, Marina Malatesta, Marina MMalatesta@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Information Management Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Meyer, Mandolyn Meyer, Mandolyn MMeyer@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Zoology & Biology Arts And Sciences
Mills, Michelle Mills, Michelle MMills@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1209 FA 101B Technician, Campus Printing I Marketing And Communications
Myers, Marly Myers, Marly MMyers@lccc.wy.edu Library Assistant, Laramie Campus Academic Affairs, Laramie
Nelson, Melissa Nelson, Melissa MNelson@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1798 RHW N116 Director, Residential Living Student Life
Nitschke, Mark Nitschke, Mark MNitschke@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Multimedia Arts And Sciences
O'Connor, Michael O'Connor, Michael MOConnor@lccc.wy.edu 307.630.0645 PF 117 Safety Officer Campus Safety
Phelps, Michael Phelps, Michael MPhelps@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, CPR & First Aid Outreach And Workforce Dev
Puente, Monica Puente, Monica MPuente@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Puev, Mark Puev, Mark MPuev@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4343 RAC 203 Director, Athletics Athletics And Campus Recreation
Sackett, Matt Sackett, Matt MSackett@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1151 BT 119 Instructor, Economics/Public Policy Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Siliga, Moana Siliga, Moana MSiliga@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate I, PT Dining Services
Tozer, Mark Tozer, Mark MTozer@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, EMT Health Sciences And Wellness
Trainer, Maggie Trainer, Maggie MTrainer@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Uribe, Mike Uribe, Mike MUribe@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4359 PF 111X Coach, Student Success Enrollment Services
Welch, Marta Welch, Marta MWelch@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Associate Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Williams, Melissa Williams, Melissa MWilliams@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4364 ARP 157 Instructor, Mathematics Arts And Sciences
Beumer, Nicole Beumer, Nicole NBeumer@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4251 ACC 103 Assistant, Administrative III, Operations & Support Operations And Support, Laramie
Bohlinger, Niki Bohlinger, Niki NBohlinger@lccc.wy.edu PF 111N Coach, Student Success Enrollment Services
Marcello, Nicholas Marcello, Nicholas NMarcello@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1342 PF 210C Instructor, Zoology/Biology Arts And Sciences
Olson, Nancy Olson, Nancy NOlson@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1258 CR 101C Vice President, Human Resources Human Resources
Petersen, Nancy Petersen, Nancy NPetersen@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics Arts And Sciences
Rocha, Nola Rocha, Nola NRocha@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1231 AM 149 Comptroller Accounting
Trowbridge, Nathan Trowbridge, Nathan NTrowbridge@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Multimedia Arts And Sciences
Baucom, Phil Baucom, Phil PBaucom@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Business Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Dingess, Paige Dingess, Paige PDingess@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4284 ACC 119 Instructor, Life Sciences Academic Affairs, Laramie
Hickman, Pamela Hickman, Pamela PHickman@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Moran, Pat Moran, Pat PMoran@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Morency, Patricia Morency, Patricia PMorency@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Social Work Arts And Sciences
Plohr, Paul Plohr, Paul PPlohr@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1390 HS 118 Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Rader, Trish Rader, Trish PRader@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4276 ACC 101A Coach, Student Success Student Services, Laramie
Salas, Paige Salas, Paige PSalas@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Scott, Patrice Scott, Patrice PScott@lccc.wy.edu CT 106 Adjunct Instructor, ACES Outreach And Workforce Dev
Amend, Rex Amend, Rex RAmend@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Barbre, Rachael Barbre, Rachael RBarbre@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Sociology/Anthropology Arts And Sciences
Carranza Zapata, Roman Carranza Zapata, Roman RCarranza@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Fugate, Robbie Fugate, Robbie RFugate@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1902 CCC 171 Cook, Grill Dining Services
Greenwalt, Rachel Greenwalt, Rachel RGreenwalt@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1140 HS 330 Assistant, Administrative III, Health Sciences & Wellness Health Sciences And Wellness
Herren, Rhonda Herren, Rhonda RHerren@lccc.wy.edu Staff, Children's Discovery Center, PT Children's Discovery Center
Huylar, Robert Huylar, Robert RHuylar@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Juschka, Rebecca Juschka, Rebecca RJuschka@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Mobley, Robert Mobley, Robert RMobley@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Political Science, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Quintana, Ryan Quintana, Ryan RQuintana@lccc.wy.edu FA 111 Theatre Technician Manager, PT Arts And Sciences
Robinson, Ryan Robinson, Ryan RRobinson1@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Robinson, Rae Robinson, Rae RRobinson@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Sociology/Anthropology Arts And Sciences
Rodriguez, Robert Rodriguez, Robert RRodriguez@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Scheffer, Ryland Scheffer, Ryland RScheffer@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1112 BT 215 Instructor, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Sweet, Rebekah Sweet, Rebekah RSweet@lccc.wy.edu Proctor, Testing Center Library And Learning Commons
Uncapher, Bob Uncapher, Bob RUncapher@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4269 ACC 133 Custodian II Operations And Support, Laramie
Baxter, Sandra Baxter, Sandra SBaxter@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1175 AM 142 Technician, Accounting I - Payables Accounting
Charron, Sarah Charron, Sarah SCharron@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1314 RHW N138 Trainer, Athletics Athletics And Campus Recreation
DeTavernier, Shawnie DeTavernier, Shawnie SDeTaver@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Eby, Shawn Eby, Shawn SEby@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1237 CCC 149 Director, Dining Services Dining Services
Ellingson, Stacie Ellingson, Stacie SEllingson@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1223 PF 207 Assistant, Administrative III, Student Life Student Life
Fiedler Gleich, Stephanie Fiedler Gleich, Stephanie SFiedler@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1388 SC 127A Instructor, Chemistry Arts And Sciences
Flores Guerrero, Stephanie Flores Guerrero, Stephanie SFlores@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Fritts, Susie Fritts, Susie SFritts@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Hrkach, Stephen Hrkach, Stephen SHrKach@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1606 CT 114A Instructor, Wind Energy Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Kirakosyan, Susanna Kirakosyan, Susanna SKirakosyan@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1902 CCC 171 Cook, Prep Dining Services
Matheson, Shereen Matheson, Shereen SMatheson@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1685 CR 101E Analyst, HR Compensation Human Resources
Pierce, Stacey Pierce, Stacey SPierce@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Business Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Schindler, Sarah Schindler, Sarah SSchindler@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1242 HS 132 Instructor, Nursing/Simulation Lab Coordinator Health Sciences And Wellness
Simon, Sarah Simon, Sarah SSimon@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4278 ACC 118 Instructor, Mathematics Academic Affairs, Laramie
Stanley, Sean Stanley, Sean SStanley@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian II, RAC Plant Operations
Thompson, Sue Thompson, Sue SThompson@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1307 HS 220 Instructor, Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Torney, Sue Torney, Sue STorney@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1281 HS 222 Program Director, Speech Language Pathology Assistant Health Sciences And Wellness
VanHorn, Scott VanHorn, Scott SVanHorn@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4360 FT 205A Pathway Coordinator, Trades & Technical Studies Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Vasudeva, Shay Vasudeva, Shay SVasudeva@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Zoology & Biology Arts And Sciences
Ziegler, Shaun Ziegler, Shaun SZiegler@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1173 AM 109 Director, Budget Budget Office
Carter, Ciera Carter, Ciera ccarter@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct / Clinical Coordinator, Physical Therapy Assistant Health Sciences And Wellness
Bjornson, Tim Bjornson, Tim TBjornso@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1389 OFFC Remote Administrator, SQL Database Integrated Technology Services
Corbett, Toya Corbett, Toya TCorbett@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Business Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Corrington, Tyler Corrington, Tyler TCorrington@lccc.wy.edu Assistant Coach, Rodeo Athletics And Campus Recreation
Esp, Tyler Esp, Tyler TEsp@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1366 BT 218 Instructor, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Garton, Tyrell Garton, Tyrell TGarton@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1130 PF 111Q Coach, Student Success Enrollment Services
Howell, Thain Howell, Thain THowell@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1902 CCC 171 Cook, Expo Dining Services
Lear, Thomas Lear, Thomas TLear@lccc.wy.edu 307.637.2453 CT 122 Instructor, Adult Basic Education Outreach And Workforce Dev
Miller, Tara Miller, Tara TMiller@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1284 FA 102B Technician, Campus Printing I Marketing And Communications
Smith, Taylor Smith, Taylor TSmith1@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Storer, Thomas Storer, Thomas TStorer@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Strong, Traci Strong, Traci TStrong@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1227 AM 142 Technician, Accounting II - Payable Accounting
Swarm, Trevor Swarm, Trevor TSwarm@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1321 ARP 161 Instructor, Computer Science, AI Arts And Sciences
Wilkins, Tim Wilkins, Tim TWilkins@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Zastrocky, Theodora Zastrocky, Theodora TZastrocky@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Flores, Valerie Flores, Valerie VFlores@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Associate Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Rodekohr, Valerie Rodekohr, Valerie VRodekohr@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Clinical Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Segelke, Vickie Segelke, Vickie VSegelke@lccc.wy.edu Assistant Coach, Rodeo Athletics And Campus Recreation
Schaefer, Walter Schaefer, Walter WSchaefer@lccc.wy.edu CT 101 Adjunct Instructor, CDL Outreach And Workforce Dev
Wentroble, William Wentroble, William WWentroble@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Shaver, Zach Shaver, Zach ZShaver@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4339 RAC 214A Head Coach, Women's Volleyball Athletics And Campus Recreation
Arias, Anastacio Arias, Anastacio aarias@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, HVAC Outreach And Workforce Dev
Barker, Alex Barker, Alex abarker@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1246 HS 216 Pathway Coordinator, Health Sciences & Wellness Health Sciences And Wellness
Bell, Aaron Bell, Aaron abell@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4657 EEC 113 Specialist, Systems & Technology Support Integrated Technology Services
Benavidez, Amanda Benavidez, Amanda abenavidez@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Breton, Ashley Breton, Ashley abreton@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Zoology & Biology Arts And Sciences
Brown, Amber Brown, Amber abrown1@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Statistics, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Clubb, Andrea Clubb, Andrea aclubb@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1359 PF 207F Coordinator, Office of Student Accommodations Student Life
Cook, April Cook, April acook@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1143 EEC 127 Director, Strategic Projects Performance And Planning
Davis, Angela Davis, Angela adavis@lccc.wy.edu CR 107D Specialist, Housing Occupancy and Retention Student Life
Dishman, Addi Dishman, Addi adishman@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate I, PT Dining Services
Erickson, Andrew Erickson, Andrew aerickso@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4301 BT 124 Instructor, Economics Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Hale, Allison Hale, Allison ahale@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1265 PF 111N Specialist, Student Services Enrollment Services
Haukaas, Anelise Haukaas, Anelise ahaukaas@lccc.wy.edu 307.637.2455 CT 107A Instructor, Adult Basic Education Outreach And Workforce Dev
Kortemeier, Angela Kortemeier, Angela akorteme@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1674 OFFC Remote Instructor, Health Information Technology Management Health Sciences And Wellness
Lang, Ashley Lang, Ashley alang@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Economics, Laramie Academic Affairs, Laramie
Lester-Carlson, Arlene Lester-Carlson, Arlene alester@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1291 CCI 111 Manager, Facilities & Events Facilities And Events
Leuning, Abbigail Leuning, Abbigail aleuning@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct, Certified Clinical Medical Assisting Outreach And Workforce Dev
Mathews, Ashley Mathews, Ashley amathews@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4307 HS 140 Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Brown, Amanda Brown, Amanda ambrown@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1666 PF 222 Instructor, Psychology Arts And Sciences
McCown, Alli McCown, Alli amccown@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4354 PF 111D Assistant Director, Enrollment Services Enrollment Services
McKay, Amanda McKay, Amanda amckay@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, DMS Clinicals Health Sciences And Wellness
Collier, Colby Collier, Colby ccollier@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1365 RAC 509 Supervisor, Custodial Services Plant Operations
Michnick, Amber Michnick, Amber amichnick@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1377 LIB 118 Assistant, Administrative III, Ludden Library Library And Learning Commons
Garcia Munter, Aurie Garcia Munter, Aurie amunter@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4308 PF 207H Coordinator, Counseling & Campus Wellness Student Life
Olsen, Aaron Olsen, Aaron aolsen1@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4382 BT 217 Instructor, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Olsen, Afton Olsen, Afton aolsen@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Business Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Parks, Angie Parks, Angie aparks@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1289 CR 101I Specialist, Onboarding Human Resources
Potts, Amber Potts, Amber apotts@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Price, Allen Price, Allen aprice@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1288 PF 111Z Coach, Student Success Enrollment Services
Ralls, Ashleigh Ralls, Ashleigh aralls@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1292 SC 119D Program Director, Radiography Health Sciences And Wellness
Rodemaker, Austin Rodemaker, Austin arodemaker1@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Political Science Arts And Sciences
Detwiler-Schaeffer, Anthony Detwiler-Schaeffer, Anthony aschaeffer@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Manufacturing Outreach And Workforce Dev
Seui, Aolani Seui, Aolani aseui@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1902 CCC 171 Baker Dining Services
Shelby, Ann Shelby, Ann ashelby@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1176 FA 120 Instructor, Education Arts And Sciences
Siebert, Anne Siebert, Anne asiebert@lccc.wy.edu CR 101H Adjunct Instructor, ABE (Odd) Outreach And Workforce Dev
Teague, Amanda Teague, Amanda ateague@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Associate Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Mathews, Austin Mathews, Austin aumathews@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4357 EEC 114 Specialist, Technology & Audiovisual Support Integrated Technology Services
Wade, Adrienne Wade, Adrienne awade@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4338 HS 230 Program Director, Diagnostic Medical Sonography Health Sciences And Wellness
Wangeline, Ami Wangeline, Ami awangeli@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1139 SC 134 Instructor, Biology Arts And Sciences
Winn, Adam Winn, Adam awinn@lccc.wy.edu 307.637.2461 CT 113A Instructor, Adult Basic Education Outreach And Workforce Dev
Ziegler, Allie Ziegler, Allie aziegler@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Bitner, Bryant Bitner, Bryant bbitner@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, CPR & First Aid Outreach And Workforce Dev
Blystone, Brooke Blystone, Brooke bblystone@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1681 PF 111F Coach, Student Success Enrollment Services
Burns, Brandy Burns, Brandy bburns@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1233 PO 130A Assistant, Administrative III, Plant Operations Plant Operations
Espinoza, Bernadette Espinoza, Bernadette bespinoza@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1164 AM 105 Assistant, Fixed Asset & Procurement Contracting And Procurement
Geisler, Brandon Geisler, Brandon bgeisler@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1671 CT 119 Adjunct Instructor, HVAC Apprenticeship Outreach And Workforce Dev
Jacquot, Ben Jacquot, Ben bjacquot@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Kozak, Brian Kozak, Brian bkozak@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Criminal Justice Arts And Sciences
Lafountaine, Brittany Lafountaine, Brittany blafountaine@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Larsen, Brendon Larsen, Brendon blarsen@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1198 HS 340 Program Director, Physical Therapist Assistant Health Sciences And Wellness
Lopez, Brian Lopez, Brian blopez@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Lorenz, Bettie Lorenz, Bettie blorenz@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1635 SC 184 Adjunct Instructor, Clinical Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Miller, Bethann Miller, Bethann bmiller@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, EMT Health Sciences And Wellness
Patterson, Bailey Patterson, Bailey bpatterson@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1221 PF 221 Instructor, Communication Arts And Sciences
Storer, Beth Storer, Beth bstorer@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Director, Children's Discovery Center Children's Discovery Center
Webb, Bre Webb, Bre bwebb@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4394 HS 228 Instructor/Clinical Coord, Diagnostic Medical Sonography Health Sciences And Wellness
Wheeler, Bettina Wheeler, Bettina bwheeler@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4334 PF 204.4 Specialist, Registrar Office Office of the Registrar
Whitman, Bradley Whitman, Bradley bwhitman@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4309 AT 109 Temp Instructor, Automotive Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Wilson, Bryan Wilson, Bryan bwilson@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1179 FA 118 Dean, School of Arts & Sciences Arts And Sciences
Zink, Bill Zink, Bill bzink@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1121 PO 131A Director, Plant Operations Plant Operations
Abe, Callie Abe, Callie cabe@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Clinical Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Anderson, Catherine Anderson, Catherine canderson@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Bruch, Courtney Bruch, Courtney cbruch@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1145 EEC 102D Director, Institutional Assessment Performance And Planning
Crockett, Cameron Crockett, Cameron ccrockett@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, HVAC Apprenticeship Outreach And Workforce Dev
Curtis, Cathy Curtis, Cathy ccurtis@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1383 PO 130 Assistant, Administrative I, Plant Operations Plant Operations
DeBruyn, Christine DeBruyn, Christine cdebruyn@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Associate Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Downey, Cindy Downey, Cindy cdowney@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Associate Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Fournier, Charles Fournier, Charles cfournier@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1304 ARP 160 Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Goertel, Christie Goertel, Christie cgoertel@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1134 CCI 114 Program Manager, Outreach & Workforce Development Outreach And Workforce Dev
Henning, Cindy Henning, Cindy chenning@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1185 RAC 126A Program Director, Kinesiology & Health Promotion Health Sciences And Wellness
Isch, Cassidy Isch, Cassidy cisch@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, ABE (Odd) Outreach And Workforce Dev
Jensen, Colton Jensen, Colton cjensen@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1235 PO 118 Supervisor, Carpenter Trades Plant Operations
Karajanis, Cameron Karajanis, Cameron ckarajanis@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1667 RAC 215B Assistant Coach, Women's Basketball Athletics And Campus Recreation
Klingbeil, Chris Klingbeil, Chris cklingbe@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4342 ARP 111 Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Macy, Cory Macy, Cory cmacy@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate II, PT Dining Services
Maestas, Coulter Maestas, Coulter cmaestas1@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Diagnostic Medical Sonography Health Sciences And Wellness
McCabe, Christina McCabe, Christina cmccabe@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Paralegal Arts And Sciences
Metzler, Chase Metzler, Chase cmetzler@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1374 FT 212 Instructor, Welding Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Morgan, Cory Morgan, Cory cmorgan@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1647 FT 214 Instructor, Welding Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Munger, Caleb Munger, Caleb cmunger@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1257 PO 132 Specialist, Grounds II Plant Operations
Parker, Cathleen Parker, Cathleen cparker@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Paralegal Arts And Sciences
Parsons, Chad Parsons, Chad cparsons@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1252 FT 205B Instructor, Diesel Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Perriton, Caleb Perriton, Caleb cperriton@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1108 FT 205C Program Director, Trades and Technical Studies Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Piper, Carleen Piper, Carleen cpiper@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1226 AM 146 Part-Time Specialist, Payroll Accounting
Rando, Charlie Rando, Charlie crando@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Read, Careen Read, Careen cread@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1367 AM 146 Technician, Payroll I Accounting
Ricketts, Christine Ricketts, Christine crickett@lccc.wy.edu HSEC Examiner, ACES Outreach And Workforce Dev
Runge, Chris Runge, Chris crunge@lccc.wy.edu Plumber, Journeyman Plant Operations
Soules, Caroline Soules, Caroline csoules@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1695 PF 204.2 Assistant Registrar Office of the Registrar
Springer, Courtney Springer, Courtney cspringe@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1277 SC 129 Instructor, Biology/Chemistry Arts And Sciences
Stratton, Crystal Stratton, Crystal cstratto@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1268 OFFC Remote Instructor, Communication Arts And Sciences
Bacon, Dallas Bacon, Dallas dbacon@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1287 AM 136 Assistant, Executive Administrative III, President Presidents Office
Black, Donna Black, Donna dblack@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment (ELC) Outreach And Workforce Dev
Brunner, Doug Brunner, Doug dbrunner@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4320 CCC 151 Chef, Executive Dining Services
Buchmeier, David Buchmeier, David dbuchmeier@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1296 PO 121 Technician, HVAC Plant Operations
Castle, Danielle Castle, Danielle dcastle@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Speech Language Pathology Asst Health Sciences And Wellness
Curry, Dave Curry, Dave dcurry@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1687 CT 202J Manager, Advanced Manufacturing & Material Center Outreach And Workforce Dev
Dicampli, Dennis Dicampli, Dennis ddicampli@lccc.wy.edu CT 122 Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Dickinson, D'Ann Dickinson, D'Ann ddickinson@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1181 EEC 109 Assistant, Executive Administrative I, Performance Planning Performance And Planning
Eicke, Dustin Eicke, Dustin deicke@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4337 EEC 110 Vice President, Performance & Planning Performance And Planning
Freeman, Dylan Freeman, Dylan dfreeman@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Agriculture Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Gonzalez, Desiree Gonzalez, Desiree dgonzalez@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate II, PT Dining Services
Heiduck, Donald Heiduck, Donald dheiduck@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Criminal Justice Arts And Sciences
James, David James, David djames@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1155 FA 100C Development Officer, Scholarships & Annual Giving Foundation
Kaelin, Darlene Kaelin, Darlene dkaelin@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4381 TC 117 Assistant, Administrative III, Outreach & Workforce Dev Outreach And Workforce Dev
Kelley, David Kelley, David dkelley@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1177 PO 119 Finish Carpenter I Plant Operations
Kisiel, Dana Kisiel, Dana dkisiel@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1663 HS 142 Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Kortum, Damien Kortum, Damien dkortum@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4245 ACC 103C Dean of Academic Affairs, Laramie Campus Academic Affairs, Laramie
Lambert, David Lambert, David dlambert@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Cook, David Cook, David dlcook@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics Arts And Sciences
Malone, Donna Malone, Donna dmalone@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Clinical Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Maw, Daniel Maw, Daniel dmaw@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1692 FA 129A Instructor, Art Arts And Sciences
McCammon, Dana McCammon, Dana dmccammo@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1169 EEC 102E Specialist, Reporting and Support Institutional Research
McVay, David McVay, David dmcvay@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1232 PO 131 Supervisor, Mail & Warehouse Plant Operations
Pino, Dennis Pino, Dennis dpino@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, CDL Outreach And Workforce Dev
Randle, Deeda Randle, Deeda drandle@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Equine Studies Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Redding, Doug Redding, Doug dredding@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1380 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Rojas, Diana Rojas, Diana drojas@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate II, PT Dining Services
Rowswell, Dave Rowswell, Dave drowswell@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Jensen Ryan, Danielle Jensen Ryan, Danielle dryan@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1200 PF 223 Pathway Coordinator, Human & Public Services Arts And Sciences
Salyers, Danae Salyers, Danae dsalyers@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1251 HS 120 Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Saulsberry, DeWayne Saulsberry, DeWayne dsaulsberry@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1323 PF 217 Head Coach, Men's Basketball Athletics And Campus Recreation
Stevens, David Stevens, David dstevens@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Criminal Justice Arts And Sciences
Thomas, Daryl Thomas, Daryl dthomas@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Manufacturing Outreach And Workforce Dev
Williams, Dawn Williams, Dawn dwilliam@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1267 HS 124 Assistant, Administrative II, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Zobell, Dwayne Zobell, Dwayne dzobell@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Clinical Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Zwonitzer, Dave Zwonitzer, Dave dzwonitz@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1165 ARP 156 Instructor, English/Philosophy Arts And Sciences
Duran, Elmer Duran, Elmer eduran@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate II, PT Dining Services
Gregor, Eric Gregor, Eric egregor@lccc.wy.edu Specialist, Building Automation Systems Control Plant Operations
Maddison, Erica Maddison, Erica emaddison@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, EMT Health Sciences And Wellness
Moeller, Edward Moeller, Edward emoeller@lccc.wy.edu 307.637.2497 RESW 130 Custodian I, Residential Living Student Life
Oswald, Emerie Oswald, Emerie eoswald@lccc.wy.edu Staff, Children's Discovery Center, PT Children's Discovery Center
Palmquist, Erin Palmquist, Erin epalmqui@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1290 FA 118 Assistant, Administrative III, Arts & Sciences Arts And Sciences
Swank, Eden Swank, Eden eswank@lccc.wy.edu Lab Assistant, Sonography Health Sciences And Wellness
Vest, Emily Vest, Emily evest@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate I, PT Dining Services
Phelps, Frances Phelps, Frances fphelps@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4319 CCI 121 Adjunct Instructor, CPR & First Aid Outreach And Workforce Dev
Carlson, Gary Carlson, Gary gcarlson@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian II, Setup Plant Operations
King, Gabbi King, Gabbi gking@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1684 HS 338 Instructor/Clinical Coordinator, Physical Therapy Assistant Health Sciences And Wellness
Lebsack, Geraldine Lebsack, Geraldine glebsack@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1147 PO 131 Specialist, Mail/Warehouse Plant Operations
Stout, Gwen Stout, Gwen gstout@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Speech Language Pathology Asst Health Sciences And Wellness
Werhonig, Gary Werhonig, Gary gwerhoni@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Health Sciences & Wellness Health Sciences And Wellness
Mikolaizik, Holly Mikolaizik, Holly hmikolaizik@lccc.wy.edu 307.637.2497 RESW 130W Custodian I, Residential Living Student Life
Morrow, Heather Morrow, Heather hmorrow@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4312 ARP 153 Instructor, Mathematics Arts And Sciences
Oh, Henry Oh, Henry hoh@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1188 HS 334 Associate Dean, Health Professions Health Sciences And Wellness
Schudel, Heather Schudel, Heather hschudel@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1162 HS 235 Instructor, Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Talbott, Heather Talbott, Heather htalbott@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1315 PF 210A Instructor, Zoology/Biology Arts And Sciences
Caldon, Ian Caldon, Ian icaldon@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4367 PF 224 Instructor, Spanish/ESL Arts And Sciences
Jones, Ian Jones, Ian ijones@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Paramedic Health Sciences And Wellness
Wiggam, Iryna Wiggam, Iryna iwiggam@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, ABE (Odd) Outreach And Workforce Dev
Miller, James Miller, James jamiller@lccc.wy.edu 307.637.2490 PF 207E Dean of Students Student Life
Andersen, Jon Andersen, Jon jandersen1@lccc.wy.edu RAC 125 Instructor, Kinesiology & Health Promotion Health Sciences And Wellness
Aumiller, Jordyn Aumiller, Jordyn jaumiller@lccc.wy.edu 307.637.2497 RESW 130W Custodian I, Residential Living Student Life
Bangerter, Janine Bangerter, Janine jbangert@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4250 ACC 103B Manager, Operations & Support, Laramie Campus Operations And Support, Laramie
Barbero, Jim Barbero, Jim jbarbero@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, SmartCim Outreach And Workforce Dev
Barnes, Jack Barnes, Jack jbarnes@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1137 PO 121 Electrician, Journeyman Plant Operations
Barrere, Josh Barrere, Josh jbarrere@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4357 EEC 125 Analyst, Cyber Security Integrated Technology Services
Binstock, Jeff Binstock, Jeff jbinstock@lccc.wy.edu 307.630.0645 PF 117 Safety Officer Campus Safety
Campbell, Justin Campbell, Justin jcampbell@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1902 CCC 171 Chef, Sous Dining Services
Carrier, Jonathan Carrier, Jonathan jcarrier@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1157 ARP 118 Adjunct Instructor, Psychology Arts And Sciences
Cheever, Janice Cheever, Janice jcheever@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1694 TC 108 Adjunct Instructor, Health Information Technology & Mgt Health Sciences And Wellness
Christenson, Jasmine Christenson, Jasmine jchristenson@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Clarke, Jamie Clarke, Jamie jclarke@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4240 ACC 116 Instructor, Psychology Academic Affairs, Laramie
Corless, Jac Corless, Jac jcorless@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Manufacturing Outreach And Workforce Dev
Curtis, Jamie Curtis, Jamie jcurtis@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Speech Language Pathology Asst Health Sciences And Wellness
Dorris, Jennifer Dorris, Jennifer jdorris@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1317 CCC 151 Assistant, Catering Dining Services
Drudge, James Drudge, James jdrudge@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1637 CT 202K Program Manager, CDL Outreach And Workforce Dev
Miller, Jenn Miller, Jenn jemiller@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Ford, Jessica Ford, Jessica jford@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4257 ACC 128 Coordinator, Teaching & Learning Center OWD, Laramie Campus
Gorman, Justin Gorman, Justin jgorman@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1372 FA 100A Chief Operating Officer, Foundation Foundation
Hamilton, Joni Hamilton, Joni jhamilton1@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1229 SC 132 Coordinator/Instructor, Second Year Clinic, Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Hayes, Jordan Hayes, Jordan jhayes@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, EMT Health Sciences And Wellness
Hoaglund, Janelle Hoaglund, Janelle jhoaglund@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Johnson, Jesse Johnson, Jesse jjohnson2@lccc.wy.edu PO 121 Technician, HVAC/R Plant Operations
Kelley, John Kelley, John jkelley@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Kestner, Janna Kestner, Janna jkestner@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1180 PF 215 Instructor, History Arts And Sciences
King, John King, John jking@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1380 PO 118A Manager, Building Services Plant Operations
Kisinger, Jackie Kisinger, Jackie jkisinge@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1354 CR 102A Specialist, Help Desk/Telecommunications Integrated Technology Services
Koenig, Julie Koenig, Julie jkoenig@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Music Arts And Sciences
Koslosky, Jill Koslosky, Jill jkoslosk@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1154 BT 104A Dean, School of Business, Agriculture & Technical Studies Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Manners, Jeff Manners, Jeff jmanners@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian III, Lead Setup Plant Operations
McCarrel, Justin McCarrel, Justin jmccarrel@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4371 EEC 102C Analyst, Data Quality & Compliance Institutional Research
McCartney, Jennifer McCartney, Jennifer jmccartney@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1630 EEC 124 Director, Sponsored Awards and Compliance Sponsored Awards And Compliance
McKim, Jamie McKim, Jamie jmckim@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4256 ACC 149 Manager, Outreach & Workforce Development, Laramie Campus OWD, Laramie Campus
O'Brien, J O'Brien, J jobrien@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1368 FA 107 Pathway Coordinator, Communication & Creative Arts Arts And Sciences
O'Halloran, Jay O'Halloran, Jay johallor@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1293 PO 133 Technician, Vehicle Maintenance Plant Operations
Olive, Jeanette Olive, Jeanette jolive@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Pasqua, Jason Pasqua, Jason jpasqua@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4323 FA 111 Instructor, Theatre/Communication Arts And Sciences
Robinson, Johnathon Robinson, Johnathon jrobinson@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, CDL Outreach And Workforce Dev
Sanchez, Joseph Sanchez, Joseph jsanchez1@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, CDL Outreach And Workforce Dev
Schaffer, Joe Schaffer, Joe jschaffer@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1102 AM 138 President Presidents Office
Schneider, John Schneider, John jschneid@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4357 EEC 118 Analyst, Systems Support Integrated Technology Services
Semlak, Julie Semlak, Julie jsemlak@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1238 PF 216 Instructor, Communication Arts And Sciences
Shmidl, Jeff Shmidl, Jeff jshmidl@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1343 BT 116 Program Director, Business & Finance Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Smith, Jerry Smith, Jerry jsmith2@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1351 HS 232 Instructor, Diagnostic Medical Sonography Concentrations Health Sciences And Wellness
Stephenson, Josh Stephenson, Josh jstephenson@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4357 EEC 123 Specialist, Systems & Technology Support Integrated Technology Services
Thein, Josh Thein, Josh jthein@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1371 EEC 227 Specialist, LMS Administrator & Multimedia Ctr for Excellence in Teaching
Pagan Torres, Juan Pagan Torres, Juan jtorres@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, CDL Outreach And Workforce Dev
Varos, Jasmine Varos, Jasmine jvaros1@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1138 BT 216 Instructor, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Vogler, Jadin Vogler, Jadin jvogler@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1253 AG 110 Instructor, Equine Science & Activity Coach Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Weppner, Jodi Weppner, Jodi jweppner@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1230 PF 218 Instructor/Coordinator, Justice Studies Arts And Sciences
Yizar, Jayden Yizar, Jayden jyizar@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Lommatsch, Kayla Lommatsch, Kayla kLommatsch@lccc.wy.edu 307.637.2497 RESW 130 Custodian I, Residential Living Student Life
Ragsdale, Kodi Ragsdale, Kodi kRagsdale@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Health Sciences & Wellness Health Sciences And Wellness
Beasley, Kyla Beasley, Kyla kbeasley@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate III, PT Dining Services
Blunn, Katie Blunn, Katie kblunn@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1364 PF 210E Instructor, Zoology/Biology Arts And Sciences
Bosc, Katie Bosc, Katie kbosc@lccc.wy.edu Tutor, Learning Commons Library And Learning Commons
Bowen, Karen Bowen, Karen kbowen@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1111 HS 336 Dean, School of Health Sciences & Wellness Health Sciences And Wellness
Bowman, Kaylee Bowman, Kaylee kbowman@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct, Certified Clinical Medical Assisting Outreach And Workforce Dev
Bunya, Ken Bunya, Ken kbunya@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1270 EEC 115 Director & Senior Infrastructure Architect Integrated Technology Services
Cover, Katie Cover, Katie kcover@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1110 FA 100B Development Officer, Event Coordination Foundation
Demello, Kayli Demello, Kayli kdemello@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate I, PT Dining Services
Dobson, Kirstin Dobson, Kirstin kdobson@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4369 Adjunct Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Fulks, Kathleen Fulks, Kathleen kfulks@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Associate Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Gallagher, Kevin Gallagher, Kevin kgallagher@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1902 CCC 171 Dishwasher Dining Services
Gallegos, Kemsley Gallegos, Kemsley kgallegos1@lccc.wy.edu 307.760.8517 AG 108 Instructor, Animal Science & Livestock Judging Coach Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Gibson, Katie Gibson, Katie kgibson@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Hedstrom, Kimberly Hedstrom, Kimberly khedstrom@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Speech Language Pathology Asst Health Sciences And Wellness
Herbst, Kayla Herbst, Kayla kherbst1@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1202 LIB 121 Technician, Library Services Library And Learning Commons
Brown-Herbst, Kari Brown-Herbst, Kari kherbst@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1103 EEC 212 Senior Vice President, Academic Affairs Academic Affairs
Larson, Kobe Larson, Kobe klarson1@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Miller, Krysten Miller, Krysten kmiller@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1225 EEC 126 Specialist, Post Award Management Sponsored Awards And Compliance
Noble, Kendra Noble, Kendra knoble@lccc.wy.edu CCI 109 Assistant, Administrative I, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Nofzinger, Krystle Nofzinger, Krystle knofzinger@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate III, PT Dining Services
Olivas, Kaylin Olivas, Kaylin kolivas@lccc.wy.edu PF 226 Athletic Event Support Staff, PT Athletics And Campus Recreation
Parrish, Kraig Parrish, Kraig kparrish@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Manufacturing Outreach And Workforce Dev
Shockley, Katie Shockley, Katie kshockley@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4335 AG 106 Pathway Coordinator, Agriculture & Equine Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Tast, Keith Tast, Keith ktast@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct, Driver's Education Coordinator Outreach And Workforce Dev
Tschimperle, Katie Tschimperle, Katie ktschimperle@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Young, Krista Young, Krista kyoung@lccc.wy.edu HS 326 Clinical Coordinator, Respiratory Therapy Health Sciences And Wellness
Arenas, Lugo Arenas, Lugo larenas@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4393 RAC 222 Head Coach, Women's Soccer Athletics And Campus Recreation
Balken, La Rita Balken, La Rita lbalken@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1257 PO 132 Specialist, Grounds III Plant Operations
Brown, Logan Brown, Logan lbrown@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian II, Setup Plant Operations
Freeman, Lindsey Freeman, Lindsey lfreeman@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1190 AG 107 Program Director, Agriculture Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Friederich, Larry Friederich, Larry lfriedrich@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate III, PT Dining Services
Hayes, Laura Hayes, Laura lhayes@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1615 ARP 151 Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Herget, Linda Herget, Linda lherget@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1278 LIB 115 Specialist, Library Access Services Library And Learning Commons
Trimble, Lisa Trimble, Lisa lisatrimble@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1603 FA 100E Vice President, Advancement Institutional Advancement
Jones, Larry Jones, Larry ljones@lccc.wy.edu Program Director, Emergency Medical Services Health Sciences And Wellness
Lane, Lee Lane, Lee llane@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment, Laramie Campus OWD, Laramie Campus
McMennamin, Laura McMennamin, Laura lmcmenna@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4264 ACC 129 Instructor, English Academic Affairs, Laramie
McVeigh, Lucy McVeigh, Lucy lmcveigh@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education Health Sciences And Wellness
Munoz, Lenora Munoz, Lenora lmunoz@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1243 PF 111G Assistant, Administrative III, Admissions Enrollment Services
Nordyke, Lisa Nordyke, Lisa lnordyke@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1136 ARP 159 Instructor, Mathematics Arts And Sciences
Castro Pampanaupa, Luz Castro Pampanaupa, Luz lpampanaupa@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate I, PT Dining Services
Pixley, Leslie Pixley, Leslie lpixley@lccc.wy.edu 307.637.2450 CT 103 Assistant, Administrative I, ACES Outreach And Workforce Dev
Rowen, Lily Rowen, Lily lrowen@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1220 PF 220 Instructor, Government Studies Arts And Sciences
Schaffer, Lia Schaffer, Lia lschaffer@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate I, PT Dining Services
Shandera, Lacey Shandera, Lacey lshander@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1299 PF 204.D Assistant Director, Financial Aid Financial Aid
Sigsbury, Laura Sigsbury, Laura lsigsbury@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1255 EEC 223 Specialist, LMS Administrator & Data Ctr for Excellence in Teaching
Snyder, Lisa Snyder, Lisa lsnyder@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Stover, Leann Stover, Leann lstover@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Political Science Arts And Sciences
Stutheit, Lindsey Stutheit, Lindsey lstutheit@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1357 AM 112 Director, Entrepreneurship & Innovation Outreach And Workforce Dev
Swanson, Leif Swanson, Leif lswanson@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1300 ARP 149 Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Taylor, Lisa Taylor, Lisa ltaylor@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1124 PF 219 Instructor, Psychology Arts And Sciences
Vought, Lance Vought, Lance lvought@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1244 BT 123 Adjunct Instructor, Economics Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Webster, Mike Webster, Mike mWebster@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Anaya, Michael Anaya, Michael manaya@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian II, RAC Plant Operations
Aragon, Melissa Aragon, Melissa maragon@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1690 AM 120 Technician, Student Accounts I Accounting
Martin, Mary Martin, Mary marymartin@lccc.wy.edu 307.637.2403 CT 100 Manager, ACES Outreach And Workforce Dev
Billiter, Mary Billiter, Mary mbilliter@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Cassista, Matt Cassista, Matt mcassista@lccc.wy.edu Plumber, Journeyman Plant Operations
Clark, Michael Clark, Michael mclark@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1380 PO 105 Custodian I PT Plant Operations
Coburn, Michael Coburn, Michael mcoburn@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Sociology/Anthropology Arts And Sciences
Contreras, Mary Contreras, Mary mcontrer@lccc.wy.edu 307.637.2497 RESW 130W Supervisor, Residential Custodial Services Student Life
Cox, Max Cox, Max mcox1@lccc.wy.edu Worker, Grounds PT Plant Operations
Dellos, Madison Dellos, Madison mdellos@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate I, PT Dining Services
Fulmer, Mykala Fulmer, Mykala mfulmer@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Diagnostic Medical Sonography Health Sciences And Wellness
Gallant, Melissa Gallant, Melissa mgallant@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1322 CCI 110 Specialist, Facilities Scheduling & Events Facilities And Events
Gulizia, Marie Gulizia, Marie mgulizia@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Harden, Mary Harden, Mary mharden@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1902 CCC 171 Chef, Sous Dining Services
Howie, Mike Howie, Mike mhowie@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Kassel, Michael Kassel, Michael mkassel@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, History Arts And Sciences
Keehnen, Michelle Keehnen, Michelle mkeehnen@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Kelly, Meghan Kelly, Meghan mkelly@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1201 LIB 119 Associate Dean, Library & Learning Commons Library And Learning Commons
Martin, Melissa Martin, Melissa mmartin@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Massey, Michelle Massey, Michelle mmassey@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1276 PF 204.6 Specialist, Financial Aid II Financial Aid
McGuire, Mark McGuire, Mark mmcguire@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1256 PO 131B Project Manager, Construction Plant Operations
Meese, Monique Meese, Monique mmeese@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Criminal Justice Arts And Sciences
Miears, Marissa Miears, Marissa mmiears@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian II, RAC Plant Operations
Mohatt, Mary Mohatt, Mary mmohatt@lccc.wy.edu Writing Consultant, LC PT Library And Learning Commons
Moon, Morgan Moon, Morgan mmoon@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate II, PT Dining Services
Mulhern, Maranatha Mulhern, Maranatha mmulhern@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, ACES Outreach And Workforce Dev
Myser, Milton Myser, Milton mmyser@lccc.wy.edu Worker, Grounds PT Plant Operations
Narvais, Mark Narvais, Mark mnarvais@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, CDL Outreach And Workforce Dev
Nolan, Matt Nolan, Matt mnolan@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1160 FT 215 Instructor, Welding Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Palmer, Macy Palmer, Macy mpalmer@lccc.wy.edu Tutor, Learning Commons Library And Learning Commons
Randall, Mike Randall, Mike mrandall@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4392 EEC 112 Specialist, Senior Enterprise Application Support Integrated Technology Services
Rinne, Mark Rinne, Mark mrinne@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Clinical Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Sayers, Mike Sayers, Mike msayers@lccc.wy.edu 307.630.3378 PF 117 Supervisor, Campus Safety Campus Safety
Shaw, Marlene Shaw, Marlene mshaw@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1335 HS 132 Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Slovik, Mark Slovik, Mark mslovik@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Smith, Melanie Smith, Melanie msmith3@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1902 CCC 151 Cook, Grill Dining Services
Stephens, Michael Stephens, Michael mstephens@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1694 TC 108 Instructor, Technical Skill Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Stratton, Madalynn Stratton, Madalynn mstratton@lccc.wy.edu Custodian I Plant Operations
Stutz, Melissa Stutz, Melissa mstutz@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1217 PF 205B Senior Vice President, Student Services Student Services
Cosseboom Swainson, Misty Cosseboom Swainson, Misty mswainso@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1241 PF 204.3 Specialist, Senior Registrar Office Office of the Registrar
Swanger, Maggie Swanger, Maggie mswanger@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1283 LIB 123 Librarian Library And Learning Commons
Tast, Maryellen Tast, Maryellen mtast@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1146 CCI 115 Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Urschel, Matt Urschel, Matt murschel@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1148 EEC 102B Analyst, Senior Research Institutional Research
VanEperen, Michelle VanEperen, Michelle mvaneperen@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Vest, Matthew Vest, Matthew mvest@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate III, PT Dining Services
Williams, Mackenzie Williams, Mackenzie mwilliam@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Paralegal Arts And Sciences
Yearling, Marie Yearling, Marie myearling@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1131 PF 210D Instructor, Microbiology Arts And Sciences
Young, Melanie Young, Melanie myoung@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1273 ARP 108 Program Director, Mathematics & English Arts And Sciences
Johnson, Nicki Johnson, Nicki njohnson@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1303 ARP 139 Associate Teacher Children's Discovery Center
Milatzo, Nicco Milatzo, Nicco nmilatzo@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian II, RAC Plant Operations
Owen, Nick Owen, Nick nowen@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1662 CT 202E Instructor, Manufacturing Outreach And Workforce Dev
Castro Pampanaupa, Nelly Castro Pampanaupa, Nelly npampanaupa@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate I, PT Dining Services
Steege, Nichole Steege, Nichole nsteege@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Trejo, Nia Trejo, Nia ntrejo@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1318 CCC 151 Assistant, Catering Dining Services
Cathcart, Oakley Cathcart, Oakley ocathcart@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1297 PO 128 Finish Carpenter I Plant Operations
Jolovich, Peggy Jolovich, Peggy pJolovich@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Badgett, Paula Badgett, Paula pbadgett@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1378 LIB 122 Librarian Library And Learning Commons
DeMartin, Pam DeMartin, Pam pdemart@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1228 AM 142 Supervisor, Accounting & Payroll Accounting
Dunlap, Paige Dunlap, Paige pdunlap@lccc.wy.edu Assistant, Mail Services / Warehouse PT Plant Operations
Dunnam, Paulette Dunnam, Paulette pdunnam@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Koslosky, Paul Koslosky, Paul pkoslosk@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4306 HS 138 Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Pampanaupa Lopez, Pilar Pampanaupa Lopez, Pilar plopez@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate II, PT Dining Services
Lorenz, Phillip Lorenz, Phillip plorenz@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Clinical Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Okamoto, Paula Okamoto, Paula pokamoto@lccc.wy.edu Custodian I PT Plant Operations
Oswald, Peter Oswald, Peter poswald@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1257 PO 132 Specialist, Grounds I Plant Operations
Pace, Patrick Pace, Patrick ppace@lccc.wy.edu 307.630.0645 PF 117 Safety Officer Campus Safety
Du, Qing Du, Qing qdu@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1129 SC 125A Instructor, Chemistry Arts And Sciences
Munoz-Alicea, Roberto Munoz-Alicea, Roberto ralicea@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4348 ARP 158 Instructor, Mathematics Arts And Sciences
Benning, Rob Benning, Rob rbenning@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1196 AT 109 Instructor, Automotive Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Clubb, Reilly Clubb, Reilly rclubb@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate I, PT Dining Services
Dykstra, Raymond Dykstra, Raymond rdykstra@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1380 PO 105 Custodian II, Setup Plant Operations
Evelo, Rick Evelo, Rick revelo@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1257 PO 132 Manager, Grounds Maintenance Plant Operations
Fertig, Ron Fertig, Ron rfertig@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1187 PO 119 Finish Carpenter I Plant Operations
Gable, Roger Gable, Roger rgable@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4349 PO 122 Supervisor, Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing Trades Plant Operations
Hamid, Rakhshi Hamid, Rakhshi rhamid@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4378 EEC 220 Director, Center for Secondary Students Academic Affairs
Hill, Rachel Hill, Rachel rhill@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1207 PF 217 Instructor, Psychology Arts And Sciences
Hing, Robert Hing, Robert rhing@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4275 ACC 115 Specialist, Systems & Technology Support Operations And Support, Laramie
Johnson, Rick Johnson, Rick rjohnson@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1135 AM 111 Senior Vice President, Administration & Finance Administration And Finance
Leiseth, Rodney Leiseth, Rodney rleiseth@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, CDL Outreach And Workforce Dev
Lopez, Rachel Lopez, Rachel rlopez@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate III, PT Dining Services
McElroy, Rachael McElroy, Rachael rmcelroy@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1629 CCI 116 Coordinator, Non-Credit Technical Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Medina, Ron Medina, Ron rmedina@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1167 FA 130A Instructor, Art Arts And Sciences
Nanney, Ray Nanney, Ray rnanney@lccc.wy.edu Worker, Grounds PT Plant Operations
Nelson, Renee Nelson, Renee rnelson@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1375 ARP 154 Instructor, English Arts And Sciences
Priest, Rhonda Priest, Rhonda rpriest@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1356 TC 111 Program Manager, Certified Public Manager & Bus Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Castro Quispe, Roberto Castro Quispe, Roberto rquispe@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate II, PT Dining Services
Renner, Rich Renner, Rich rrenner@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Cheyenne Outreach And Workforce Dev
Barnett, Stefanie Barnett, Stefanie sbarnett@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Chemistry Arts And Sciences
Best, Shauna Best, Shauna sbest@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1224 AM 147 Technician, Accounting II Accounting
Caamano, Samira Caamano, Samira scaamano@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4279 ACC 117 Instructor, Chemistry Academic Affairs, Laramie
Dellos, Susan Dellos, Susan sdellos@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1208 HS 130 Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Fails, Sammie Fails, Sammie sfails@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1133 HS 134 Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Gancze, Shayne Gancze, Shayne sgancze@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1355 EEC 122 Technician, Audiovisual I Integrated Technology Services
Hanson, Sheridan Hanson, Sheridan shanson@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4322 EEC 226 Director, Center for Excellence in Teaching Ctr for Excellence in Teaching
Jensen, Steve Jensen, Steve sjensen@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Landon, Stacy Landon, Stacy slandon@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4321 LIB 117 Technician, Library Services Library And Learning Commons
Logan, Scott Logan, Scott slogan@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1178 HS 328 Clinical Coordinator, Emergency Medical Services Health Sciences And Wellness
Maas, Stephanie Maas, Stephanie smaas@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1385 PF 111H Coordinator, Student Hub Enrollment Services
Maestas, Stacy Maestas, Stacy smaestas@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1240 PF 204C Registrar Office of the Registrar
McDonald, Scott McDonald, Scott smcdonald@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Business Training Outreach And Workforce Dev
Milatzo, Santino Milatzo, Santino smilatzo@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Moncrief, Scott Moncrief, Scott smoncrie@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1172 FA 119 Instructor, Education Arts And Sciences
Muirbrook, Scarlette Muirbrook, Scarlette smuirbrook@lccc.wy.edu Dining Services Associate I, PT Dining Services
Nelson, Svetlana Nelson, Svetlana snelson@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4289 ACC 130 Instructional Assistant - ABE (Odd) OWD, Laramie Campus
Perkins, Seth Perkins, Seth sperkins@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4285 ACC 110 Head Librarian, Laramie Campus Academic Affairs, Laramie
Robbins, Seth Robbins, Seth srobbins@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4251 ACC 103 Instructor, Diesel Technology Academic Affairs, Laramie
Rocha, Susan Rocha, Susan srocha@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Rorabaugh, Stacey Rorabaugh, Stacey srorabaugh@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1382 CCI 113 Specialist, Events and Accounting Facilities And Events
Shaw, Stephen Shaw, Stephen sshaw@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, HVAC Apprenticeship Outreach And Workforce Dev
Simental, Santana Simental, Santana ssimental@lccc.wy.edu Worker, Grounds PT Plant Operations
Smith, Sarah Smith, Sarah ssmith@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1113 EEC 102F Director, Institutional Research Institutional Research
Torney, Sarah Torney, Sarah storney1@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
Zavorka, Shannon Zavorka, Shannon szavorka@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1213 ARP 152 Instructor, Statistics Arts And Sciences
Amick, Troy Amick, Troy tamick@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.1269 BT 220 Program Director, Information Technology Business, Agriculture, And Tech
Boley, Torrey Boley, Torrey tboley@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, In-Car, Pine Bluffs Outreach And Workforce Dev
Bostrom, Tim Bostrom, Tim tbostrom@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, EMT Health Sciences And Wellness
Brady, Tyler Brady, Tyler tbrady@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Zoology Arts And Sciences
Brannan, Toni Brannan, Toni tbrannan@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment Outreach And Workforce Dev
Dominguez, Tammy Dominguez, Tammy tdominguez@lccc.wy.edu Writing Consultant, LC PT Library And Learning Commons
Guerra, Taylor Guerra, Taylor tguerra@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1325 PF 113 Coordinator, GEAR UP Enrollment Services
Hacker, Tonya Hacker, Tonya thacker@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1146 TC 109 Dean, School of Outreach & Workforce Development Outreach And Workforce Dev
Kilian, Tracy Kilian, Tracy tkilian@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Lyles, Toby Lyles, Toby tlyles@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Life Enrichment, Laramie Campus OWD, Laramie Campus
Madigan, Tammy Madigan, Tammy tmadigan@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian III, Lead Setup Plant Operations
Morrell, Trent Morrell, Trent tmorrell@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1312 PF 210B Pathway Coordinator, STEM Arts And Sciences
Nickelson, Tristyn Nickelson, Tristyn tnickelson@lccc.wy.edu Custodian I PT Plant Operations
Page, Thyra Page, Thyra tpage@lccc.wy.edu 307.772.4248 ACC 116 Instructor, Communication Academic Affairs, Laramie
Strickland, Theresa Strickland, Theresa tstrickland@lccc.wy.edu Custodian I Plant Operations
Tomlinson, Troy Tomlinson, Troy ttomlinson@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1340 PO 105 Supervisor, Custodial Services Plant Operations
Wentroble, Tara Wentroble, Tara twentroble@lccc.wy.edu 307.637.2450 CT 111 Assistant, Mail Services / Warehouse PT Plant Operations
Wickham, Ted Wickham, Ted twickham@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1353 EEC 119 Manager, Network Integrated Technology Services
Willmarth, Tracy Willmarth, Tracy twillmarth@lccc.wy.edu 307.7781153 AM 146 Specialist, Payroll Accounting
Wofford, Terri Wofford, Terri twofford@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Speech Language Pathology Asst Health Sciences And Wellness
Wood, Trista Wood, Trista twood@lccc.wy.edu 307.432.1600 FA 100D Director, Accounting; Foundation Foundation
Zimny, Tony Zimny, Tony tzimny@lccc.wy.edu 307.637.2499 RESC 109C Assistant Director, Residential Living Student Life
Denis, Venansa Denis, Venansa vdenis@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Gibson, Vince Gibson, Vince vgibson@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1194 PF 114 Assistant Director, Athletics and Recreation Athletics And Campus Recreation
Hill, Veronica Hill, Veronica vhill@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1340 PO 105 Custodian I Plant Operations
LaPlante, Victoria LaPlante, Victoria vlaplante@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4320 CCC 151 Shift Lead, Emporium Dining Services
Milatzo, Vito Milatzo, Vito vmilatzo1@lccc.wy.edu 307.630.0645 PF 117 Safety Officer Campus Safety
Milatzo, Vito Milatzo, Vito vmilatzo3@lccc.wy.edu PF 204.8 Athletic Event Support Staff, PT Athletics And Campus Recreation
Fiscus, Whitney Fiscus, Whitney wfiscus@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Physical Therapy Assistant (Interim) Health Sciences And Wellness
Holzapfel, Wade Holzapfel, Wade wholzapf@lccc.wy.edu Music Accompanist Arts And Sciences
Whittle, William Whittle, William wwhittle@lccc.wy.edu Cook, Senior Dining Services
Wright, William Wright, William wwright@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.4315 LIB 137 Tutor, Learning Commons Library And Learning Commons
Wehr, Yvonne Wehr, Yvonne ywehr@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1141 SC 113B Specialist/Clinic Manager, Dental Hygiene Health Sciences And Wellness
Meier, Zoe Meier, Zoe zmeier@lccc.wy.edu Adjunct Instructor, Nursing Health Sciences And Wellness
Roehrs, Zac Roehrs, Zac zroehrs@lccc.wy.edu 307.778.1387 OFFC Remote Instructor, Microbiology/Biology Arts And Sciences
Sothan, Zach Sothan, Zach zsothan@lccc.wy.edu Custodian I PT Plant Operations