An eye toward the future

drone view of campus with the Clay Pathfinder Building

Collins reflects on 30 years on Foundation Board 

Jeff Collins

If you ask Jeff Collins, Laramie County Community College makes Cheyenne stand out among other mid-sized urban areas in the Mountain West.  

A native of Rawlins, Collins has been a stalwart member of the LCCC Foundation Board since 1995, contributing significantly to the growth and development of the college. Collins, who holds an education degree from the University of Wyoming, formerly served as a conductor for the Union Pacific Railroad before dedicating himself to fostering education and community development. 

When Collins first joined the Foundation Board, he was appointed as a general member, later taking on a crucial role on the development committee. At the time, the primary challenge facing the board was raising awareness about the college and cultivating a positive image while generating interest among potential donors. 

“It was a lot of fun to come on the board and meet with all their people and encounter their ideas, views and dreams for the college,” Collins said.  

During an early retreat, a lofty goal was set to increase the Foundation’s value five-fold to propel the college forward. Collins vividly recalls that while there was a perception that this would be a challenge, he believed it could be done with some creativity. With a bit of matching money from the state, the initiative gained momentum, leading to tangible results. At the time, the foundation’s total assets hovered around $1 million, making the target of quintupling it seem ambitious. 

When the board accomplished its goal, Collins said he knew LCCC and its dedicated supporters could overcome challenges and meet the needs of the community.  

“There were a lot of great people involved that had some great ideas, like getting the Legislature to match our funds when revenue from minerals was doing so well,” he said.  

One of the needs Collins said the board needed to help meet was the construction of Blue Hall, LCCC’s second residence hall. The Foundation Board knew it had to help with the planning and development of the all-important resource.  

“It was a matter of planting a seed so we could watch an idea grow,” Collins said.  

In addition to his role on the board, Collins has been an ambassador for LCCC in his other community roles. Coaching high school football after retiring from the railroad, Collins became a bridge between students and the college. His interactions with students, coupled with his role as a substitute teacher, allowed him to guide young minds toward the opportunities available at LCCC. 

There are more than 450 donor scholarships available at LCCC, provided by generous individuals and organizations, giving nearly every type of student the chance to receive extra money for college. This support, Collins said, is one of the most important things the college can do for its students who are attempting to change their lives with the power of inspired learning. 

“This money is available for whatever career Pathway they want to choose,” he said. “It’s important to me to make that difference.”  

Looking toward the future, Collins emphasizes that the next challenge for LCCC is determined by the community's needs. He commended LCCC President Dr. Joe Schaffer's visionary leadership, noting that his ideas spark inspiration within the board. With a diverse group of members, each contributing unique expertise, the Foundation Board remains a dynamic force in steering LCCC's growth, he said. 

Collins acknowledges the collective effort required to build and develop an institution like LCCC. He emphasizes that growth doesn't happen by chance but through the dedication, hard work and innovative ideas of individuals committed to the cause. Reflecting on the past three decades, Collins marvels at the progress made and expresses confidence in the continued growth of LCCC under the leadership of the community and the board. 

“It’s been fascinating over the years to watch board members come and go, making big impacts,” he said. “They’ve left a mark.”  

As he looks back on his journey with the Foundation Board, Collins couldn't have predicted the remarkable growth LCCC has experienced. However, he remains optimistic about the future. With strong leadership and the commitment of the community, LCCC is poised to continue flourishing in multiple directions, embracing the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Collins said he’s happy he’s found some ways to make his mark.