College conundrums — LCCC answers your questions about higher education

Student studies in residence hallCan I change my major while I’m a student at LCCC?

Yes, you can change your major while you’re a student at LCCC. Many students change their majors during their college careers. Heck, even Galileo started off as a medical student before moving on to study the physical universe, making groundbreaking contributions to astronomy. At LCCC, an approach is in place to help students find their passions and still graduate on time. 

To help students as they navigate determining a field of study, LCCC adopted the guided pathways approach. Guided pathways provide a clear roadmap for students, outlining the courses they need to complete their degree. This structured approach helps students choose a program aligned with their interests and ensures they take only the necessary courses, reducing wasted time and credits. 

By organizing related programs into a cohesive path, guided pathways help students understand the steps needed to achieve their academic and career goals, making it easier to stay on track and graduate on time. If students decide to change majors, they can do so within their pathway with minimal disruption, ensuring they’re still progressing toward their degrees.

LCCC offers eight pathways: 

●     Agriculture & Equine 

●     Business & Accounting 

●     Communication & Creative Arts 

●     Health Sciences & Wellness 

●     Human & Public Services 

●     Information Technology 

●     STEM 

●     Trades & Technical Studies 

These pathways allow students to explore different programs within their interests with minimal risk of wasting credits.

In addition to guided pathways, LCCC provides Student Success Coaches who assist with everything from career exploration to registration and study habits. These resources are available from the moment a student shows interest in LCCC.

We get it: figuring out what you want to do for a career is hard, and you might change your mind once you find out more about the jobs you’d be taking on after college. This happens all the time. At LCCC, we will support you in making the best decisions for your future and get you where you’re going as quickly as possible. 

For more information on LCCC’s pathways and to connect with a Student Success Coach, visit lccc.wy.edu/pathways.

Does LCCC have trade and technical programs, such as welding, diesel, automotive, electrical technology and wind energy? 

Yes, LCCC has a wealth of trade and technical programs that can launch you into a career in a competitive market. 

In today’s evolving job market, what might be called a “traditional” four-year college isn’t the only route to success. Trade and technical programs, especially at community colleges like Laramie County Community College, offer practical, affordable and time-efficient pathways to high-demand careers.

The Trades and Technical Studies Pathway includes the following programs:

●     Welding 

●     Diesel Technology

●     Automotive Technology

●     Electrical Technology 

●     Wind Energy

●     Industrial Maintenance

●     Foundations of Skilled Trades 

●     Trades & Technical Studies associate of applied science

When we’re talking about competitive job markets, a person has to understand that there are lot of people competing for the jobs you want, and many of them are highly skilled. Having high-quality job training and credentials will help you navigate that complicated market. 

Postsecondary education is crucial, with 72% of jobs expected to require it by 2031, according to Georgetown University. Trade and technical programs at LCCC cover a wide array of industries, ensuring students gain real-world experience, making them job-ready upon completion.

Community colleges excel in trades and technical studies because of their focus on practical learning and meeting local workforce needs. They offer affordable programs with specific skills and certifications, small class sizes for personalized attention and collaboration with local businesses to align curricula with job market demands. 

With state-of-the-art facilities, experienced faculty, comprehensive programs, industry partnerships and strong community support, LCCC prepares students for successful careers.

Choosing LCCC for your trade or technical education is a strategic career move. The college’s commitment to excellence and practical benefits ensures a fulfilling and prosperous future.

Explore LCCC’s Trade and Technical Pathway at lccc.wy.edu/trades and take the Career Coach assessment to find your strengths. Secure your future with LCCC’s hands-on programs designed for real-world success.

Are there online options for taking classes at LCCC?

Yes, LCCC has many flexible course offerings, including online classes. 

For many prospective students, being on campus daily isn’t feasible. Fortunately, online programs offer flexible solutions to integrate higher education into busy schedules. The pandemic accelerated online learning adoption, and many institutions continue to enhance these offerings.

Online learning caters to diverse needs: nontraditional students juggling jobs or family, those with scheduling conflicts, those who prefer learning outside traditional classrooms and all kinds of other circumstances. LCCC offers a wide range of online courses and degrees, delivered by well-qualified faculty with the same quality as on-campus classes.

LCCC provides two types of online courses: synchronous (live, online classes) and asynchronous (on-demand learning with no scheduled classes). Additionally, hybrid-distance courses blend online and on-campus learning, while hybrid-face-to-face courses are mainly in-person with some online components. 

It’s fair to wonder whether you’ll have the support you need to successfully complete all your courses remotely. Don’t worry: LCCC supports online learners with 24/7 Canvas support, Ludden Library assistance and Learning Commons tutoring. The college’s commitment to quality is evident through its membership in Quality Matters, adopting 42 standards to ensure excellent online course delivery.

Learn more about LCCC’s online and hybrid learning options at lccc.wy.edu.