How Do I...?
You can schedule an appointment with your Student Success Coach using Navigate.
Students who have taken off one or more semesters (not including summer) need to reapply to the College.
Thanks for choosing LCCC!
You can learn more about admissions or apply for admission here, or schedule a campus tour.
You can also contact Enrollment Services for any questions that you might have, or if you would like to talk to a Student Success Coach for help going through the admissions process!
Once you have applied for admission, your Student Success Coach will start communicating with you right away, and can help you with steps for getting enrolled, including submitting your transcripts or scheduling an appointment.
We're glad you're coming to LCCC!
Transfer students should follow the LCCC admissions process. Be sure to have your previous institutions send LCCC your official transcripts so that your credits can be evaluated. Allow up to 20 business days for transcripts to be evaluated, once they are received.
Here are some video and PDF resources to help you make the most of using Navigate.
Still have questions? Your Student Success Coach may be able to help.
Schedule an appointment
Once you're registered for classes, you can get your LCCC Student ID Card. Your Student ID Card is what identifies you as a Golden Eagle and enables you to access various on-campus services (including workout facilities, the library, meal plans if applicable, and more) and off-campus student discounts.
Request your Student ID Card
LCCC recognizes and supports individuals who may want to use a different first name other than their legal first name while attending the College. Current students who would like the first name they use at LCCC to match their preferred/chosen name and/or their gender identity may complete the Chosen Name Authorization Form.
This is not a legal name change; however, your chosen name will be changed on all of the following: Student ID card, LCCC student profile including, but not limited to, login credentials, myLCCC, Canvas, LCCC email, Navigate; and class and grade rosters; other LCCC systems.
Students who need to change their legal name with the College should contact the Student Hub for assistance.
In general, schedule changes can be made using Navigate. You can also contact your Student Success Coach via email to ask questions about schedule changes, or to request schedule changes if you have a hold that prevents you from changing your schedule via Navigate.
In some cases, you may need an appointment with your Student Success Coach to discuss changing your class schedule, if it is going to have significant impacts on your academic plan. Appointments can be scheduled via Navigate.
When communicating with your Student Success Coach, particularly about class schedule changes, always use your official school email account (accessible via myLCCC). You should check your official school email account regularly as this is the primary means by which your Student Success Coach and other student services may reach out.
Program of study changes can only be made by the student in the Self Service app in their myLCCC account. Please note, some programs of study are closed and students must apply for admission to these programs (i.e., Nursing, Radiography, etc.).
To change your program of study in Self Service: log into myLCCC, select the Self Service app, click on the Academics menu, then select Change Program.
The LCCC Catalog outlines the requirements for each program of study. The Catalog is an important resources for students to understand and use.
Your Student Success Coach will help you to understand these requirements. With your Student Success Coach, you will use the “My Planner” tool in Navigate to create your personalized academic plan – which is the plan for how and when you will complete these degree requirements based on your individual needs.
General Information
Your Student Success Coach is your success champion throughout your time at LCCC. You can count on your Student Success Coach to help you: identify your educational and career goals; create a personalized academic plan; learn how to schedule your courses; navigate institutional processes; understand your program requirements; and connect you with campus resources when you need them.
Regular contact with your Student Success Coach is a key element to your success at LCCC. You should plan to meet with your Student Success Coach when you have questions or concerns, and/or for assistance planning for course registration to ensure you’re taking the right classes to meet your academic goals and keep you progressing on your academic plan, or adjusting your plan if needed.
You can contact your Student Success Coach via phone, text, or email, or schedule an appointment using Navigate.
A credit hour is based on the estimated amount of time spent on a course each week. As a general starting point, you can multiply the credit hour count for a full semester course by 3 to get an idea of the workload each week (both time in class, and time outside of class). For example, for a 3 credit hour in-person class, you can expect to spend about 3 hours each week in class, and 3-6 hours outside of class working on reading, assignments, or studying. This will vary by class and by each student and their study habits and preferences. This also changes if you take a shorter course rather than a full-semester (16-week) course.
Twelve credit hours each semester constitutes a full-time course load.
To graduate in two years, most students need to take closer to 15-18 credit hours each semester. Twelve credit hours/semester will increase the amount of time it takes to earn an associate degree.
The number of credit hours you take is a personal decision and will depend on your commitments outside of school and your comfort level with your classes and coursework. Your Student Success Coach can discuss this with you and offer guidance to make this determination.
The maximum load is 19 credit hours. Students desiring to take more than 19 hours must receive permission from the dean of the school in which their declared program is housed.
Dropping a course means that the course doesn’t appear on a student’s transcript and the student doesn’t receive a W on his or her transcript. There is a limited window of time in which a course can be dropped, after the course has started.
Check the Academic Calendar or your specific course syllabus for the drop and withdrawal dates for each course.
To withdraw means to not complete a course. A “W” appears on the transcript and it indicates that the course wasn’t completed. Grades of “W” aren’t calculated into a student’s GPA, so in some cases a “W” is more favorable than an “F.” However, too many “W” grades can be detrimental. These count as credits that were attempted but not completed, and these credits are calculated as part of a student’s completion rate for financial aid eligibility. Dropping courses can impact financial aid as well.
Before dropping or withdrawing from a course, it is recommended that students work with their Student Success Coach and the Student Hub to explore how the drop or withdrawal will impact their academic progress and their financial aid.
Academic Standing
Academic probation occurs when a student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.0. A student who finishes a semester with a cumulative GPA below a 2.0 will be put on probation status the following semester. During that probation semester, the student will work with their Student Success Coach to address their academic success and challenges, and improve their cumulative GPA. Students on probation must get their Student Success Coach’s signature to register for or withdraw from courses.
Academic suspension occurs when a student’s cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 at the end of the probation semester. A student on suspension status is required to take one semester off from courses at LCCC. The student will be able to re-enroll at the College after a semester off and begin taking classes again. Students who took time off from classes due to suspension must reapply to LCCC. They will be in Good Academic Standing when they return. Summer semester grades are not calculated as part of a student’s probation or suspension status.
A student may appeal their Suspension status if they believe they have extenuating circumstances that added to their cumulative GPA history. The Academic Suspension Appeal Form may be found on the Academic Standing webpage.
Grade Point Average (GPA) is a calculation of grade points divided by completed credits. Grade points are calculated by multiplying a letter grade and the number of credits a class is worth. Each letter grade is worth a certain number of points. A = 4 points; B = 3 points; C = 2 points; D = 1 point; F = 0 points. So, a B grade in a 3-credit class is worth 9 points. 3 credits X 3 points = 9 points.
A semester GPA is calculated by determining the total grade points and dividing that number by the total number of completed credits. A cumulative GPA is the average of every semester GPA on record.
A GPA Calculator can be found here to assist with calculations (Excel spreadsheet).