SEEK: Where the learning is downright fun

Girl enjoys outdoor time playing in the water at SEEK's June 2024 session.Summer often brings a pause in structured learning for many kids, but it doesn't have to lead to idle days. That’s because Laramie County Community College offers a popular program where youngsters can learn and grow while enjoying all the summer fun they deserve with friends.

Each year, dozens of local kids spend a week at LCCC for Summer Educational Experience for Kids, commonly known as SEEK, a unique summer experience designed to challenge young people through fun activities. 

“All SEEK classes have an educational component at the core of all fun,” said Christie Goertel, 

LCCC’s Outreach and Workforce Development program manager.

With morning and afternoon sessions, kids can spend a half or full day in classes. 

On the first day of SEEK’s June 2024 session, two boys were excited for their week at LCCC. Owen Rorabaugh, 12, just finished fifth grade and is excited for his last year of elementary school. But he knows summer days can get long just sitting in the house. At last year’s SEEK, Owen said he enjoyed several classes, but especially the fishing session that even took SEEKsters on a real-life fishing trip. 

Owen said he wasn’t just having fun; he was learning valuable skills that he can apply in his life after SEEK. 

“It was easy to reel and cast after I learned,” he said. 

Cole Rorabaugh, 9, also said the fishing class was a highlight last year, as he learned how to use open-faced and closed-faced reels. But for a family with five dogs at home, Cole said the pet class gave him valuable information, too. 

“They need at least one hour of exercise,” Cole said with authority. 

In the pets class, Cole also said they made a “snuffle mat,” which is a type of pet toy designed to provide mental stimulation and encourage natural foraging behaviors in pets, particularly dogs. The mat is typically made of a sturdy base with lots of fabric strips or fleece pieces attached to it, creating a fluffy, textured surface where treats or kibble can be hidden.

“You put a treat inside and the dogs have to find it,” he said. 

The boys agree that they have fun and learn a lot at SEEK. They both say perhaps the best part is being around other kids their age and making friends. 

SEEK offers children a unique blend of fun and educational activities designed to keep their minds engaged during the summer months, Christie said. The program allows kids to dive into a variety of subjects, from hands-on experiments to creative skills, all within a supportive and enjoyable environment. Mornings might involve calculating the number of rubber bands needed to safely bungee a Barbie doll, while afternoons could be spent learning to crochet, cook or play a new game. 

It's all about creating an environment where kids are eager to learn because they're having fun, Christie said.

“Programs like SEEK give kids a chance to learn and explore topics of their choosing in a fun, learning-centered environment,” Christie said. “It shows them that learning never ends, even in the summer, and that it can be fun and engaging.”

As the anticipation for the first day built, Cole and Owen were excited for several classes. Cole was particularly excited for the classes Fizzy Fun and No Batteries Required. 

“For Fizzy Fun, we’ll make food and other stuff fizzy and learn about that, and we’ll make fizzy drinks and stuff,” he said. “We’ll go outside for No Batteries Required and play and make tie dye. I’m mostly excited because I get to be outside.” 

SEEK is offering two 2024 sessions, with a July session scheduled from July 15-19. Those interested can register by July 3 by going to lccc.wy.edu/summer or calling 307.778.1236. 

SEEK is part of LCCC’s Summer Youth Programs, which offer multiple fun and engaging opportunities for summer activities. This year’s offerings have included Fit Kids Camp, Expedition Unknown and Claytastic. Programs remaining in July include SEEK, Expedition Unknown and Claytastic.