Aspirations become reality for LCCC grad

Bailey Nowak is living her dream after LCCCBailey Nowak had a strong business acumen when she completed high school, having run her own lawn care service, Mow Time Premier LLC, since she was 12. 

However, her time at Laramie County Community College truly allowed her to springboard into professional development, leading to a successful career in her hometown. Currently, she is navigating her career at HUB International as an insurance account executive, leading the national healthcare team for the Mountain Region and specializing in medical malpractice for large facilities and doctors.

Nowak said it would not have been possible without her time at LCCC.

“The foundation of the knowledge that makes me successful today goes back to LCCC,” Nowak said.

Going to college was important to Nowak. Her mother had encountered a career ceiling at Blue Cross Blue Shield due to the lack of a college degree, which made Nowak determined to pursue higher education. As a first-generation college student, she was nervous, but the encouragement of her family, friends and the support of LCCC faculty and staff helped her get on the right track.

"I was very nervous,” Nowak said with a laugh. “But I always leaned on my parents for advice or at least some wisdom. I would ask them, 'How can I do it better? How can I be successful?' They told me, 'Bailey, you've got to do this. This is your next step. This will help you get places.'"

Joining LCCC's Business Cohort — this predated the implementation of Pathways at LCCC — Nowak thrived in a program that provided a real-world corporate environment. This hands-on experience allowed her to apply classroom knowledge directly to her business. Minden Fox, a faculty member, suggested she formalize her business by filing an LLC, marking a crucial step in her entrepreneurial journey.

The lawn care business was meant to finance her college education. Benefiting from multiple scholarships, including a $2,000 anonymous scholarship each semester, the Hathaway Scholarship, and a business cohort scholarship, Nowak navigated her college education without incurring debt.

"The crazy part is I didn't have to use a dime from my lawn care service, which I created to help pay for school,” she said. “I never took any money from it because of all the scholarship opportunities."

These scholarships covered her tuition costs at LCCC and the University of Wyoming, allowing her to save the earnings from her lawn care business for a down payment on a home. This financial support enabled her to focus on her studies and business.

Involvement in student organizations like Rotaract and Phi Theta Kappa at LCCC played a significant role in shaping Nowak's community-oriented mindset. Initially joining Rotaract — a Rotary-sponsored organization for young adults — as a requirement for the business cohort scholarship, she quickly recognized the importance of community involvement in business. This experience laid the foundation for her current role at HUB International, where community service is a core pillar under their "HUB Gives" initiative.

These experiences inspired Nowak to lead the New Generations Service Exchange programs within her local Rotary chapter. Her leadership in these programs allows her to mentor students and facilitate their community engagement. This is important, Nowak said, to show other young people that opportunities are available if they’re willing to work for them.  

"It also gave me the knowledge of how to help those in need, whether it's local nonprofits or students,” she said. “Now, I lead the New Generations program, which is perfect for me because I love giving back to students.”

The formative years at LCCC — Nowak graduated with an associate of science in business and finance in 2018 — helped Nowak feel well-prepared for her coursework at the University of Wyoming. The real-world applications and intimate class sizes at LCCC provided a strong foundation. At LCCC, classes are typically small, allowing for in-depth discussions and a comfortable environment to ask questions. The contrast with the larger classes at UW was noticeable, Nowak said.

"It seems like the real-world applications we did at LCCC, along with the intimate class sizes of 25 to 30 students, set us up for greater success,” she said. “We were more comfortable speaking in front of 30 people instead of 300 strangers. This environment allowed us to ask in-depth questions and focus on more applicable ideas and concepts."

Continuing her planned academic track without hesitation, Nowak graduated from UW in May 2020 with a bachelor’s in business, management, marketing and related support services. A connection made with HUB International while still a student at LCCC led to Nowak beginning her job with the company as an insurance account executive in January 2020. 

Lessons learned at LCCC continue to be applied in Nowak’s role at HUB International. Creating effective business plans, a cornerstone of her education, remains vital. Business & Accounting Pathway classes covered detailed aspects of business plans, from targeting the right market segments to understanding financial projections. Real-world applications like data analytics and economics play a crucial role in her daily responsibilities. 

Nowak actively gives back to the community through various roles. At LCCC, she serves on the Business & Accounting Pathway Advisory Committee and participates in the Flight Crew Booster Club. Her involvement extends beyond the college as an active Rotary member. These roles allow her to support current students, contribute to the college's development and engage in broader community service initiatives.

Envisioning her future within HUB International, Nowak is aiming to expand her role. Her five-to 10-year goal includes building a specialized healthcare team under her leadership and enhancing HUB International’s expertise in this sector. She values the autonomy HUB provides, allowing her to manage clients, lead her team and operate with an entrepreneurial spirit.

"At HUB, they give me the opportunity to be the entrepreneur I've always wanted to be,” Nowak said. “I control my day-to-day activities and my team. We operate as a cohesive unit. There wasn't an expert in healthcare in our region, so I found that niche. My goal is to build an entire team specializing in healthcare, and part of that includes giving back to the community."

Nowak understands that her story may seem exceptional, given her commitments while a college student. To balance all of life’s essentials as a student, she emphasized the importance of dedication, drive and time management when pursuing higher education. She advised prospective students to set clear goals and take small, manageable steps toward achieving them. Early preparation is key, as starting late can lead to unnecessary stress.

The way Nowak lived her life as a student continues to apply to her career, with Nowak emphasizing that self-improvement, one step at a time, can lead to extraordinary results.

"You just have to schedule one hour or so a day to work on your goals outside of work or school,” Nowak said. “It helps you progress in your aspirations and success plan. Just dedicate that hour and aim to be 1% better every day. That's all it takes."

Go to lccc.wy.edu/business for more information about the Business & Accounting Pathway at LCCC.