Goal 3

An Organizational Culture to Thrive in the Future

Build the organizational capacity to thrive in the future by focusing on establishing a climate of trust, an effective, efficient and entrepreneurial workforce, and a culture of continuous improvement. 


  • Implement a fresh, comprehensive model for new employee onboarding and initial orientation to the College. 
  • Continue progress towards establishing an employee recruitment process that incorporates strong search processes (e.g. search committee orientation, objective screening tools, clear channels of communication, etc.).
  • Implement improved performance management systems for employee evaluation and development.
  • Research and implement a new model for compensation of the different employee groups at the College. 
  • Implement an intensive first-year experience for new faculty that exposes them to the institution, and more importantly builds a foundational knowledge base to become excellent instructors.
  • Create a continuous improvement academy through which ongoing professional development will be made available to all faculty to continuously evaluate and improve instructional effectiveness.
  • Establish a defined and purposeful path to faculty promotion and advancement in rank. 
  • Develop a comprehensive institutional planning framework, accompanied by documentation guidelines for the levels of planning while utilizing technology-driven mechanisms for monitoring progress.
  • Revamp the academic program review protocol to incorporate combined elements of traditional program self-study as well as performance evidence derived from indicator measures.
  • Design a new protocol of the frequent review and analysis of the effectiveness of co-curricular programs or service areas to assess their performance and guide improvement practices. 
  • Develop needed policies and procedures pertaining to academic affairs, such as new program development and approval, degrees and certificates structure, general education, etc.
  • Continue our work towards updating and adding new human resources policies and procedures to guide our employment structures, practices and relationships.
  • Strengthen policies and procedures pertaining to college affordability, specifically looking at the development of these for student fee approval and review.